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CVS 08-07

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 04:26
by Sp4M
:arrow: Bug du trade avec /askname corrigé


Code: Select all

- Bugfix: small bugfix in begin of pet system
- Bugfix: spell craft bug for buff
- BugFix: craft system make packsize (no more 1 arrow whereas must build 20)
- BugFix: craftsystem make item stackable when it can
- Bugfix: PBAE spells should work now.
- Changed: I documented ALL DOLBase classes and removed the XML compiler warning
					 directives from the DOLBase project. DOLBase now compiles with
					 0 warnings and 0 errors.
- Add : /keepguard keep assign to current keep guard the nearest keep
- Add : a lot of comment in DolDB project ( 20 more files done ;op )
- BugFix : little bug fix in typo of faction system
- Bugfix: Magical items can't be enchanted, check was reversed (AdvancedCraftingSkill)
- New: /item proc
- Changed: Players in other regions can be invited to the group
- New: A warning if SQL command took > 500ms
- Changed: Ablative armor absorbtion percent is read from Spell.Damage (0 .. 100), default is 50
- Changed: Group effect icons are sent only for players in current region
- Bugfix: AttackedByEnemy event was not fired in some cases
- Bugfix: Paths should be saved correctly now again
- Bugfix: Compiling is possible again now, there was a parameter bug in KeepEvent
- Changed: Renamed KeepTakken to KeepTaken event
- Changed: XML Compiler warnings are suppressed now in DEBUG builds!
           To see the 1 Million missing/wrong/incomplete XML tags we have just
           do a RELEASE build.
- Changed: NDoc only generates the CHM file now, no HTML pages anymore which
           were too big anyway.
- Change: No longer use item level to test is proc can work (only use proc spell level)

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 04:30
by Lucina
Merci Sp4M ..:)

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 04:31
by Redman
Lucina wrote:Merci Sp4M ..:)
pour les rare fois ou je post en section news j'aurai aimer psotez en PREMIER NON MAIS ! PfFFFF

nan je déconne mici monsieur sp4m

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 08:39
by Ellion
bon boulot ( que dire d'autre :roll: :roll: )

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 09:33
by Dellgyad
Et bien .... je n'ai pas totalement compris toute les ligne de code, mais j'en ai compris l'essentiel :D

Bravo :) et bon courage pour la suite

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 09:48
by Jackoneill
génial :)

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 10:09
by DarkShade
merci beaucoup /clap :D

mais juste une question ca veut dire quoi ca :
Sp4M wrote:- Bugfix: small bugfix in begin of pet system

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 10:23
by JeannotLapin
Bravo le travail continue malgé les vacances :lol:


Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 12:40
M'rci Sp4M. :D

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 13:28
by Cocozico
Dank u Meneer Sp4m :D

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 15:50
by Gen
Yeah merci! Par contre en Spellcraft je remarque aucune difference..

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 17:10
by JeannotLapin
BugFix: craftsystem make item stackable when it can
Ok les poisons se font bien par 20 et se stak mais l'achat des matieres premieres pour l'alchimie qui devrait aussi se stacker ne se fait pas ce qui fait enormément de voyage. => bug fix en perspective pour qu'a l'achat les marchandises soient aussi empilables.

Encore merci pour le bon boulot.

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 18:20
by Marek
GG !!

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 22:36
by Mikar
Merci bien.

Posted: 09 Jul 2005, 23:24
by Squee
Gratzouille l'équipe de frippouilles !!! :P

Bravo ;)