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CVS 14-06

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 17:42
by Sp4M

Code: Select all

- Clean: poison / proc / reactive proc system
- Change: remove PoisonID from InventoryItem table, add ProcSpellID in ItemTemplate
- Bugfix: poison can't be applied on item with a charged effect exept another poison
- Bugfix: another delve info part
- BugFix : in keep init refactor
- Change: Move poison spell to SpellId field in ItemTemplate
- Bugfix: poison delve
- New: KeepMgr.GetAllKeeps() gets a copy of the current keeps table
- Changed: Players special effects list was removed with 1.6.4 update, back again
- Bugfix: Null exception in KeepManager when keep for component doesn't exist
- Change : refactor faction system to be much optimized.
- Change : keep init refactor
- New: Stacktrace for game timer thread monitor
- Changed: "stacktrace" console command results are logged instead of writing to console
- Add: Debug code that makes it possible to see the stack trace of all current
       running packet handlers. Just type "stacktrace" in the console of
       DOLServer. If you get an empty list this means NO networking thread is
       currently active in a packet-handler. 
       If you encounter any troubles with this code just comment the
       #define LOGACTIVESTACKS
       line at top of the PacketProcessor.cs file and recompile to remove this
- Bugfix: All player effects are removed after death
- Changed: Version number in AssemblyInfo.cs to
- Changed: Util.Random to DOL.GS.Util.Random in StandardMobBrain
           because NANT would fail to compile otherwise
- Changed: AssemblyVersion is back to GameServer.dll
- Changed: Lazy initialization of GameTimer.Properties, regen and respawn timers
- Changed: Some managers are selaed now
- BugFix: combat speed spells don't send player stats update
- BugFix: Now taunt spells target is notified about the attack
- Change: Removed Windows dependend code from mySQL Connector (mono compilability)
- BugFix : component level is good now
- Change : keep bonus removed and start to done new system for it.
- Add : more comment in code
- Add : keep lord interact for claim
- Add : claim accepte window
- BugFix : /mob nfastcreate and nrandcreate no need target anymore
- Add : /keepguard command is working now.if you see some bug report it.
	(still need fastcreate for midgar and hibernia)

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 17:44
by Elowyn
Preums' :p
GG aux admins ^^

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 17:45
by potemkine
Merci pour cette MAJ!!! :)

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 17:45
by Vlcak
Merci à vous ^^

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 17:45
by Tib_216
GG bo boulot

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 17:45
by Afeel
Merci beaucoup pour cette MAJ :)


Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 17:48
by Ozavat
Merci beaucoup pour le boulot que vous fournissez :)

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 17:48
by Thuth`
GG et merci :wink:

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 17:48
by LittleG
Merki :D

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 17:49
by Edaetha
Pour changer:

Merci pour cette Maj, merci à toute l'équipe... :wink:

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 17:49
by Aratan
(h5) :D ^^ GG

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 18:20
by Synehan
Bravo et merci :)

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 18:44
by Ocean
que dire de plus ? :roll:

C'est fabuleux

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 18:45
by Canibal Corpse
GG jvais enfin pouvoir reprendre mon Assassin hihi

Posted: 14 Jun 2005, 18:53
by magellan456