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CVS 12-04

Posted: 12 Apr 2005, 21:29
by Sp4M

Code: Select all

- BugFix : Mob with two handed or distance weapon show it
- Changed: GameNPC.BroadcastUpdate() is virtual now
- Changed: GameNPC.TurnTo methods no longer brodacast update, that is done in Heading setter
- BugFix :  game server config save auto account creation now
- BugFix : Correct a null exception in defensive combat style
- Bugfix: Can't invite self/join own chat group
- Changed: On NPC equipment load active weapon slot is set to 2h/distance if there is a weapon
- New: 1.75 clients support
- Bugfix: Other players realm for 1.74+ clients
- Changed: Stealth styles use Critical_Strike spec instead of weapon spec for damage bonus
- Changed: Only self/group pulsing spells show animation on FinishSpellCast
- Changed: Pulsing debuffs show effect animation on targets
- New: log can be used with /code command
- Bugfix: Magical bonus from weapons are added only once
- Bugfix: Tradewindow
- Bugfix: Commands can be executed from DOLGameServerConsole
- Bugfix: All char items and quests are removed when char is removed (Bug# 1079285)
          (hint: clean you dbs)
- Bugfix: Spells with immunity effect no longer expire if in immunity state
- Bugfix: Null reference exception with multiple SpeedDecreaseSpellHandler's
- BugFix : you can engage versus bolt spells
- BugFix : you can't engage if target is under attack
- BugFix : GetItem function in MerchantTradeItems work with all items
- BugFix : resurection sickness make player effectiveness to 0 on cancel
- Change : small clean for spells in gameplayer and add more test when
	   saving player inventory to prevent loading crash
- Change : drop merchant table, it was not useful with the new merchant system
	   and more simple if all npc are stored/loaded in the same table
- BugFix :  fix the bug of tradewindow with trade money
- BugFix :  update apearance when /mob equiptemplate load
- New: Autosplit based on info from herald
- Changed: GameHealer use table for constitution point restore costs
- New: Guild RPs/BPs
- New: All guilds are saved every Configuration.SaveInterval minutes
- New: Successful stealth styles cannot be blocked/evaded/parried/guarded/intercepted
- Changed: rps/bps are long now
- Changed: DOLGameServerConsole is using log4net instead of Console to log exceptions
- Bugfix: Sitting guarder no longer blocks
- Bugfix: Only same realm players can join chat groups
- Bugfix: Damage on sitting players is doubled again

Posted: 12 Apr 2005, 21:30
by Mandrake
Bravo spam

Posted: 12 Apr 2005, 21:30
by TaTsE
Oula c'est monstrueux bravo garçon :)

Posted: 12 Apr 2005, 21:31
by Billou
Bien joué ! Go GVG !

Re: CVS 12-04

Posted: 12 Apr 2005, 21:35
by Rayle
[quote="Sp4M]New: Autosplit based on info from herald[/quote]
Si je comprends bien, on ne se prendra plus la tete en groupe? :p

En tout cas GG et merci pour tout :)

Posted: 12 Apr 2005, 21:35
by lagu

PS : je comprend maintenant pourquoi j'arrive plus a joué mdrrrrrrr :P :lol:

Posted: 12 Apr 2005, 21:37
by LittleG
Que du bonheur!! :P


Posted: 12 Apr 2005, 21:45
by Claire
Applaudi Clap clap clap ..

Dommage que je sois si nulle en anglais


Posted: 12 Apr 2005, 21:56
by Yaugzebul
Ow c'est pas mal ça dites donc :P

Gratz all ! ;)

Posted: 12 Apr 2005, 22:01
by _Swift_
Oulala mais il y a beaucoup de choses qui me plaisent beaucoup la dedans !
Merci et encore une fois bon boulot.

Posted: 12 Apr 2005, 23:10
by grouha
ben comme moi je comprend rien en anglais et que ig les seul changement vu sont hyper nul je dit cvs a oublier ^^
maintenant si quelqu'un traduit je changerai peu etre d'avis

Posted: 12 Apr 2005, 23:15
by lagu
sur papier sa donné nikel mais IG c'est carrrement horrible vite faut remettre une backup plz ;)

Posted: 12 Apr 2005, 23:44
by Vangeliz
J'aurais juste besoin de quelques precisions
SPAM wrote:- BugFix : resurection sickness make player effectiveness to 0 on cancel
Cela veut dire que l'attaque reste à zero après la mort(ce qui oblige généralement à quitter puis revenir sous peine de ne pouvoir blesser les monstres)ou justement que le bug a été supprimé, et que l'attaque reprend sa valeur initiale?
Malgré ma vague connaissance de la langue de shakespear, je reste perplexe sur la fin "to 0 on cancel"

Posted: 12 Apr 2005, 23:46
by lagu
si tu pige pas analyse
- BugFix : resurection sickness make player effectiveness to 0 on cancel
a mon avis c'est pour dire que c'est corrigé mdrrr :lol:

Posted: 13 Apr 2005, 00:04
by Tartoule Sauvageonne
Le plus important a retenir est :

-Bug split d'argent (corrigé)
-Bug attaque miss et cast a 0 apres une mort (corrigé)
-Bug De perte obget et argent lorsqu'on trade (normallement corrigé..)

Le reste concerne le serveur ou une specificitée dans une classe qui a changé.