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CVS - 29/03

Posted: 28 Mar 2005, 23:45
by Sp4M
Ce soir le serveur a subi une tres grosse mise a jour, et d'importants changements. De nombreux bugs sont bien entendus arrivés (Et c'est bien normal) Vous pouvez donc les signaler gentillement et intelligemment dans la section Bugs du forum.
Merci de votre patience.

Code: Select all

- Changed: Abilities icons are not shown on group window
- Bugfix: Trade fixes
- Bugfix: NPCs with equipped weapon no longer hit for 0 damage
- BugFix : fix the re emblem bug and check for emblem
- Bugfix: Quiver works for 1.72+ clients
- New: Field InstrumentRequirement added to the Spell table
- Changed: Renamed "horn" to "lute" in GlobalConstants.InstrumentTypeToName
           default is "unknown" now
- Add : bonus from spell crafter system
- Changed: Server configuration is now loaded from configuration classes
- Changed: Removed many static methods from GameServer. Should actually hold
           no static methods if possibility for multiple process instances
           is neccessary sometime in the future. Currently however you can
           still access stuff via GameServer.Instance and GameServer.Database
- Changed: All configurations are now done using XML
           serverconfig.xml, regions.xml, zones.xml and logconfig.xml
- Changed: Added logconfig.xml, regions.xml, zones.xml as embedded resource
           to GameServer. If one of those configs is missing during startup,
           the resource is extracted into the directory. Is much better than
           having to write "setdefaultvalue" methods that are like 1.Million
           lines long (see old WorldMgr!)
           Note: If you need to add/modify default values, just simply modify
           the files in the /config subdirectory and do a full recompile (else
           the modified resources won't get added)
- Changed: Instead of, try 
- Bugfix: SendQuestPacket for 1.70 and 1.72 clients
- New: /lastname command
- Changed: Safe fall formula and message
- Bugfix: Exception in LootGeneratorRandom.cs on high level mobs
- Add : SendReceive use languageMgr to allow foreighner shard to have the "r" key 
	wich work to answer to a sent message from another player 
	(use "GamePlayer.SendReceive.sends" as key)
- Add : sound on craft
- BugFix : close timer in craft process
- BugFix : fix a bug in resurection sickness for concentration
- Changed: HoT spells do not generate aggro
- New: Con loss on release and healers can restore it
- Bugfix: Dual wielding classes will no longer attempt to swing their offhand,
          if there is nothing equipped in their offhand.
- Changed: SendCustomDialog with null handler displays just "ok" button
           for example /code player.Out.SendCustomDialog("test", null);
- Changed: Mana and health is not changed after release
- Changed: Dead players can't see stealthers
- Changed: GameLivingEvent.AttackFinished is fired for attacks with each weapon
- Changed: Disabled skills are sent in GameOpenRequestHandler instead of WorldInitRequestHandler
- Bugfix: UpdateDisabledSkills use correct skill duration
- Bugfix: Fixed bug that prevented UDP connections in DOL! At some point when
          refactoring the GUI the RegionIP entry was not parsed anymore and a
          entry value of "any" resulted in NO UDP CONNECTION!
          Now when the value of RegionIP in the options matches "any" or 
          "", "", "192.168.*.*", "10.13.*.*" then the IP of
          the region is set to the LocalEndpoint of the client requesting the
          region update packet. This assures that he will get at least a usable
          IP address. Since UDP to a local address doesn't make much sense for
          This bug might have been the cause for some lag and performance issues
          that shards might have encountered if they have not explicitely set
          the RegionIP to a valid value.
- Add : check for region in keep manager for shard which do not load all the region.
- Change : some little thing in spell craft
- Bugfix: Exceptions in packet handlers do not prevent stopping of deadlock monitor timer
- New: Keeps for BG5to9, BG10to14 and small changes to BG1to4
- New: GetItem method for MerchantTradeItems, returns one item
- Add : check in alchemy with good name refactor some part of spell crafting and alchemy
- New: Stag ability handler
- Changed: Crafters with primary skill alchemy/spellcrafting get one set of skills,
           other crafters get another
- Bugfix: SendNPCCreate packet no longer crash 1.71+ clients
- Changed: Actions in DOLServer need manual registering for better ordering
- Changed: DOL Service is installed now with all given commandline parameters
           Currently no parameters supported, but for future work.
- Changed: Only one action can be given to DOLServer
- Bugfix: GameMobs attack only if AggroLevel > 0
- New: DOLServer project, enabling the installation, uninstallation, starting
       and stopping of DOL as system service.
       Start via DOLServer.exe to see possible start parameters.
- Bugfix: GameServer.lng file creation no longer throws an exception 
- Changed: Removed all unused projects from this branch
- New: BG1to4 keeps
- Changed: KeepID in packets to ushort
- Bugfix: Alchemy icon is 0x04 and spellcrafting icon is 0x0D, clients show correct receipts list
- New: All packets longer than 2048 are logged
- Changed: SendNPCCreate truncates NPC name/guildname to first 47 chars, clients crash with longer names
- Changed: /mob command shows a warning if new mob name/guildname length is over 47 chars
- Add : complet a big part of spellcraft system and alchemy system
- Change : Tradewindow system a bit to be usabe by spellcraft
- BugFix : revive even are now stored in object even list
- Change : remove /face because done on client side
- Add : /gc who alliance
- Add : basic system for spell crafting and alchemy but not finish
- Bugfix: GetSpotFromHeading
- New: Picked up stacks first fill not full stacks in inventory
- Bugfix: Included item.PackSize in OnPlayerAppraise formula
- New: MerchantTradeItems class that handles operations with merchant items.
       Merchants work now but DB format was changed.
- Changed: bytes 6-7 are for emblem and not region in packet 0xD9
(objects) in PacketLib
- Add: emblem field in WorldObject Table
- Add: command /object emblem <newEmblem>
- BugFix: addplayer and removeplayer work for Admin in guild
- BugFix : motd save in DB
- Add : emblem in copy and saveon DB function of GameStaticitem
TODO : check on other version than 171 and put on stable if work same for 168 169...
- New: /cancelstyle command
- New: /debugjump checks if client supports target region
- New: Debug flag is saved on region change but not on quit
*) Code from me
- Changed: Quests use InventoryTemplates. Scripts compile now but merchants don't work.
- Changed: SprintAbility, QuckCast and Stealth are loaded from DB
- Changed: In log.config example
           - limited DOL.Database.Connection.DataConnection output to INFO
           - added time to console messages
- New: Log4Net Framework for logging and output!
- Changed: Removed GUI, Windows Forms, UIComponents etc...
           Please make sure you remove the references to these files from your
           ServerOptions.xml file (or database) so that they will not be used
           when compiling the scripts.
- Changed: Removed DOLConsole and all Log related classes we use log4net now.
           Add the "log4net.dll" entry into Assembly list inside DOLOptions.xml
           so that script compilation will work.
           To use log4net for output inside your classes you do the following:
           1) Define a logger in the head of your class. Look at how it is done
              at the very top of any class where you see the usage of 
                log.Debug, log.Info, log.Warn, or log.Error
              It looks like
          		/// <summary>
		          /// Defines a logger for this class.
		          /// </summary>
		          private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);

              You can just copy/paste these lines to your own class, they
              are the same wherever you want to use logging. Don't forget to
              put a "using log4net;" inside your class.
           2) Before doing output we test for the loglevel via
                if( log.IsDebugEnabled )
                  log.Debug("My Debug Output");
              You can also put an exception as optional last parameter like
                  log.Error("Exception in packethandler", e);
              and log4net will format a stacktrace. 
              Why test the loglevle before doing the debug output you might
              ask? Well very simple because imagine the debug output is many
              strings with parameters. Like "Player="+player.Name+" ..." then
              even when no log output happens these strings have to be built.
              We avoid that by testing the loglevel before the actual output.
              For more info read the FAQ of log4net at:

- Changed: DOLGameServerConsole now automatically starts up the server.
- New: Logging is now configured via the "log.config" file. An example file can
       be found inside your DOLGameServerConsole directory and MUST be copied
       into your compile-output directory, else you will get a blank console
       with an error message of log4net telling you it can't find that file.
       For more information about logger configuration consult the log4net HP.
- New: GameNpcInventoryTemplate
- Changed: SendUpdateListCasterSkills sends styles list
- New: Debug jump command
- Changed: SendPlayerCreate for 1.74 clients
- Changed: No emotes while mesmerized/stunned
- Add : sendmessage function in alliance and use it in add and remove guild
- BugFix : alliance save in DB
- New: Unfinished inventory for GameLivings. Scripts don't work yet.
- Changed: Buying, Selling and Appraising is now done inside the PacketHandler,
           to support buying, selling, appraising on HouseLot markers etc.
- Changed: GamePlayerEvents derive from GameLivingEvents
- New: GameLiving.Moving event. Currently called in PlayerPositionUpdateHandler
- Bugfix: An exception bug in BufferedLogger
- Bugfix: Some fixes in DOLMpk that caused crashes on wrong MPK files
- Changed: Added a --start parameter to GameServerConsole to allow starting
           from commandline
- Changed: GetPositionFromHeading changed uint parameters to int
- Changed: GetNPCsByNameFromRegion has 3parameters now, typeof(object) removed
           (which was not useed) in WorldMgr
- Change : broadcast changed in GUI
- BugFix: Now other guilds hear your messages in alliance

Posted: 28 Mar 2005, 23:48
by Dama
:shock: Enorme, merci et bravo /bow :o

Posted: 28 Mar 2005, 23:51
by DeusXL
Mon dieu je plains la personne qui rédige les ajouts de ces mises à jour... Comment a-t-il fait pour écrire tout ça ? :shock:
Bon plus sérieusement bravo même si je n'ai même pas envie de comprendre le quart des ajouts ;)

Posted: 28 Mar 2005, 23:53
Ca on peu pas dire qu'ils on chomé!! :shock:

Merci beaucoup pour tous ça. :D

Posted: 28 Mar 2005, 23:56
by diabalos
oh un script! :lol:

Posted: 28 Mar 2005, 23:58
by FriX
Yep merci pour tout

/encouragements !!!

Posted: 29 Mar 2005, 00:24
by Albior
/clap /clap /clap ... :wink:

Que l'aventure continue encore et pour longtemps !

[Albior] Paladin LVL 3x

Posted: 29 Mar 2005, 03:50
by JeannotLapin
Fameux superbe travail

Posted: 29 Mar 2005, 05:29
by Cairetan
merci pour tout ca ;)


Posted: 29 Mar 2005, 06:45
by MrDem0n
On sent un peu de relachement la :D

J'imagine meme pas s'il n'y avait pas eu de IRL :))

/clap /clap /clap

Continuer j'adore , cependant j'ai pas tout compris , je demanderai a Hero s'il a compris certain truc inacessible a un nain :p

Posted: 29 Mar 2005, 07:51
by TaTsE
lol merci

Posted: 29 Mar 2005, 07:54
by Fadiez
MrDem0n wrote:On sent un peu de relachement la :D

Ca fait 3 modifs rapidos dans un bloc note et on apelle ca une maj .
c'est petit franchement ...très petit !

Quoi mon humour est pas au gout de tout le monde :oops: ?!

Posted: 29 Mar 2005, 09:24
by Cossa
Sublime MAJ, beaucoup de bugs corrigés, beaucoup d'ajouts enfin sublime :)

Posted: 29 Mar 2005, 11:08
by Draco
Encore du bon boulot merci !

/clap :)

Posted: 29 Mar 2005, 12:38
by Mist-e-Fire
yup bon boulot ;)

espérons que ces bugs seront aussi vite corrigé ;)