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dOwn of light - Bug server report

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 12:49
by Sp4M
Bon j'ai decidé de faire un topic afin de repertorier les differentes causes de plantages. Ceci aidera je pense et l'espere les developpeurs a la localisation et correction des bugs.

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 12:51
by Sp4M

[13:44:36] It seems <renebs> went linkdead. Closing connection.
[13:44:36] called disconnect but was already disconnected (client on list=True)
[13:44:36] - Boolean Disconnect(DOL.ClientBase)(:0)
[13:44:36] - Void SendTCP(Byte[])(:0)
[13:44:36] - Void SendUDP(Byte[])(:0)
[13:44:36] - Void SendUDPRaw(DOL.GS.PacketHandler.GSUDPPacketOut)(:0)
[13:44:36] - Void SendUDPRaw(DOL.GS.PacketHandler.GSUDPPacketOut)(:0)
[13:44:36] - Int32 HandlePacket(DOL.GS.GameClient, DOL.GS.GSPacketIn)(:0)
[13:44:36] - Void HandlePacket(DOL.GS.GSPacketIn)(:0)
[13:44:36] - Void ReceiveBytes()(:0)
[13:44:36] - Void OnRecv(Int32)(:0)
[13:44:36] - Void RecvCallback(System.IAsyncResult)(:0)
[13:44:36] - Void CompletionPortCallback(UInt32, UInt32, System.Threading.NativeOverlapped*)(:0)
[13:44:36] renebs just disconnected!
[13:44:36] Maraudeur saved!
[13:44:45] Character Cilin created!

Serveur planté.
Cause possible: Création de compte

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 12:53
by Sp4M

[00:03:28] jerry461 just disconnected!
[00:03:28] Jerry saved!
[00:03:28] Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
[00:03:28] mscorlib
[00:03:28] at System.Collections.ArrayListEnumeratorSimple.MoveNext()
at DOL.GS.Group.SendMessageToGroupMembers(String msg, eChatType type, eChatLoc loc)
at DOL.GS.PlayerGroup.SendMessageToGroupMembers(GameLiving from, String msg)
at DOL.GS.Scripts.GCommandHandler.OnCommand(GameClient client, String[] args)
at DOL.GS.Scripts.ScriptMgr.ExecuteCommand(GameClient client, GameCommand myCommand, String[] pars)
at DOL.GS.Scripts.ScriptMgr.HandleCommand(GameClient client, String cmdLine)
[00:06:43] disconnecting client
[00:06:43] spam just disconnected!
[00:06:43] Spam saved!

Serveur planté.
Cause possible: Script de discussion de groupes

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 12:56
by Sp4M

[13:53:01] Incoming connection from *********:4939
[13:53:03] (**********)User sebxoii logging on!
[13:53:14] PROMISE ServerListUpdate: 'Server List Updated
2004/06/22-13:49:15' succeeded
[13:53:32] Specialization Light unknown
[13:53:32] Specialization Mana unknown
[13:53:32] create ability Sprint level 0
[13:53:32] create ability Weaponry: Staves level 0
[13:53:32] Ability Armor Ability: Cloth unknown
[13:53:58] Sebxoii(PID:3 OID:474) entering Region Albion Expansion(ID:51)
[13:54:01] WebUI Generation: succeeded
[13:55:31] Client sebxoii entering world: pid->3 oid->474

Serveur planté.
Cause possible: Téléportation

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 13:16
by Traskelion
En effet a chaque fois que j'execute une commende sur le serveur test il se met a lagger et hop les 2 carré rouge donc evité toutes commandes et pareille pour les joueurs

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 13:41
by Sp4M

[14:36:47] WebUI Generation: succeeded
[14:37:11] Error while processing packet
[14:37:11] System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
at System.Collections.ArrayListEnumeratorSimple.MoveNext()
at DOL.GS.GameLiving.ChangeHealth(GameObject changeSource, eHealthChangeType healthChangeType, Int32 changeAmount)
at DOL.GS.Spells.HealSpellHandler.HealTarget(GameLiving target, Int32 amount)
at DOL.GS.Spells.HealSpellHandler.HealGroup()
at DOL.GS.Spells.HealSpellHandler.FinishCast()
at DOL.GS.Spells.SpellHandler.FinishSpellCast()
at DOL.GS.Spells.SpellHandler.CastSpell(GameLiving caster, Spell spell, SpellLine spellLine, SpellHandlerFinishedCallback callback)
at DOL.GS.GamePlayer.CastSpell(Spell spell, SpellLine line)
at DOL.GS.PacketHandler.v168.UseSpellHandler.HandlePacket(GameClient client, GSPacketIn packet)
at DOL.GS.PacketHandler.PacketProcessor.HandlePacket(GSPacketIn packet)

Serveur non planté.
Cause observée: Utilisation de sorts abusive

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 16:30
by Sp4M
[17:28:23] WebUI Generation: succeeded
[17:28:29] Grekers(PID:6 OID:336) entering Region Albion Expansion(ID:51)
[17:28:47] PROMISE ServerListUpdate: 'Server List Updated
2004/06/22-17:24:46' succeeded
[17:29:08] Client grekers entering world: pid->6 oid->336

Serveur planté.
Cause possible: TL auto

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 18:56
by Traskelion
certains de ces bug vont etre corrigé dans la prochaine version du serveur

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 21:26
by Sp4M
[22:21:32] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
[22:21:32] scripts
[22:21:32] at DOL.GS.Scripts.StringFilter.ApplyFilter(GamePlayer player)
at DOL.GS.Scripts.WhoCommandHandler.ApplyFilter(ArrayList filters, GamePlayer player)
at DOL.GS.Scripts.WhoCommandHandler.OnCommand(GameClient client, String[] args)
at DOL.GS.Scripts.ScriptMgr.ExecuteCommand(GameClient client, GameCommand myCommand, String[] pars)
at DOL.GS.Scripts.ScriptMgr.HandleCommand(GameClient client, String cmdLine)

Serveur planté.
Cause possible: Execution de commande

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 21:42
by Sp4M
[22:31:39] James(PID:6 OID:1) entering Region Hibernia Terrain(ID:200)
[22:31:55] Client wil entering world: pid->9 oid->1694
[22:31:57] Client drawy entering world: pid->6 oid->1
[22:32:33] ... 0&SST=Open
[22:32:33] PROMISE ServerListUpdate Exception - The operation has timed-out.
[22:32:33] PROMISE ServerListUpdate: '' failed

Serveur planté.
Cause possible: PROMISE
Cause possible: Timeout

Posted: 22 Jun 2004, 22:44
by Sp4M
[23:40:55] Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
[23:40:55] mscorlib
[23:40:55] at System.Collections.ArrayListEnumeratorSimple.MoveNext()
at DOL.GS.Group.SendMessageToGroupMembers(String msg, eChatType type, eChatLoc loc)
at DOL.GS.PlayerGroup.SendMessageToGroupMembers(GameLiving from, String msg)
at DOL.GS.Scripts.GCommandHandler.OnCommand(GameClient client, String[] args)
at DOL.GS.Scripts.ScriptMgr.ExecuteCommand(GameClient client, GameCommand myCommand, String[] pars)
at DOL.GS.Scripts.ScriptMgr.HandleCommand(GameClient client, String cmdLine)

Serveur planté.

Posted: 28 Jun 2004, 00:11
by Sp4M

(Nouvelle version compilé)

[01:07:04] WebUI Generation: succeeded
[01:07:25] Ping timeout for client sebxoii
[01:07:25] disconnecting client ********:3877
[01:07:25] sebxoii just disconnected!
[01:07:25] Sebxoii saved!
[01:07:25] shutdown socket ********:3877

Serveur planté.
Cause possible: Timeout

Posted: 28 Jun 2004, 15:27
by Sp4M

[16:25:56] It seems <malkavien> went linkdead. Closing connection.
[16:25:56] called disconnect but was already disconnected (client on list=True)
[16:25:56] - Boolean Disconnect(DOL.ClientBase)(:0)
[16:25:56] - Void SendTCP(Byte[])(:0)
[16:25:56] - Void SendUDP(Byte[])(:0)
[16:25:56] - Void SendUDPRaw(DOL.GS.PacketHandler.GSUDPPacketOut)(:0)
[16:25:56] - Void SendUDPRaw(DOL.GS.PacketHandler.GSUDPPacketOut)(:0)
[16:25:56] - Int32 HandlePacket(DOL.GS.GameClient, DOL.GS.GSPacketIn)(:0)
[16:25:56] - Void HandlePacket(DOL.GS.GSPacketIn)(:0)
[16:25:56] - Void ReceiveBytes()(:0)
[16:25:56] - Void OnRecv(Int32)(:0)
[16:25:56] - Void RecvCallback(System.IAsyncResult)(:0)
[16:25:56] - Void CompletionPortCallback(UInt32, UInt32, System.Threading.NativeOverlapped*)(:0)
[16:25:56] malkavien just disconnected!
[16:25:56] Malkavien saved!

Serveur planté.