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MAJ 17/01/2006

Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 08:10
by Malkavien
Voici les quelques notes :
- Added: /knock command for housing (Thanks to Lohx).
- Added: /gc noteself command.
- Bugfix: Fixed an issue where unclaimed guards would not be aggro to the player, this meant that unclaimed keeps and portal keeps were abuseable. (Thanks to Lohx)
- Bugfix: Fixed an issue with /bountyrent command not working correctly. (Thanks to Lohx)
- Bugfix: Fixed an issue with mobs attacking players while they are returning to spawn.
- Bugfix: Fixed an issue where players who healed players in combat would not "leech" experience. (Thanks to Lohx)
- Bugfix: Fixed an issue which prevented you from paying rent with money. (Thanks to Lohx)
- Bugfix: Fixed issues with Ichor of the Deep and Volcanic Pillar RA's where they would do double damage to the target. (Thanks to Lohx)
- Bugfix: Fixed various issues where you would disable your RA if you didn't meet all the requirements after casting, if you fail the cast you will only have your RA for 3 seconds.
- Bugfix: Fixed an issue where Archer Guards would never stop attacking a dead corpse. (Thanks to Lohx)
- Added: Support for spells to be cast while moving, using the spell.MoveCast field.
- Changed: All classes can now be any crafter.
- Changed: AttackData now contains SpellHandler this is used only when spells are being used to attack.
- Removed: Penalty to evade when facing dual wield opponents.
- Removed: Penalty to parry when facing two handed weapons.
- Removed: Penalty to block when facing dual wield opponents.
- Bugfix: Players will now keep their own conc buffs as they change region. (Thanks to Lohx)
- Bugfix: Fixed an issue where players would receive messages informing them they had increased in realmpoints when really it was bounty points. (Thanks to LifeFlight)
- Added: The ability to pick up housepoint items.
- Added: Support for Mythical Item slot.
- Bugfix: Frontier Portal Stones will no longer spawn inside battleground keeps.
- Changed: Friars will now get 1.8x spec points.
- Bugfix: Fixed an issue where Augmented Acuity would not give a bonus to a casters mana stat.
- Bugfix: Fixed various wrong texts in Ichor of the Deep Realm Ability.


Skill Increase Changes

- Skill increase chances on tradeskills are now standardized according to the recipe's con.

- You will have a 45% chance to receive a skill increase on red con recipes.

- You will have a 55% chance to receive a skill increase on orange con recipes.

- You will have a 45% chance to receive a skill increase on yellow con recipes.

- You will have a 30% chance to receive a skill increase on blue con recipes.

- You will have a 15% chance to receive a skill increase on green con recipes.

- You will not be able to receive skill increases on grey con recipes.

Failure Changes

- Critical failures have been removed from the tradeskill system. You will no longer lose craft ingredients upon failing to craft an object.

- Failure chances on tradeskills are now standardized according to the recipe's con.

- You will have a 32% chance to fail on red con recipes.

- You will have a 16% chance to fail on orange con recipes.

- You will have an 8% chance to fail on yellow con recipes.

- You will not be able to fail on blue, green, or grey con recipes.

Time to Craft Changes

- Craft times on recipes are now standardized according to the recipe's con.

- Grey con recipes will take only 40% of the normal craft time.

- Green con recipes will take only 60% of the normal craft time.

- Blue con recipes will take only 80% of the normal craft time.

- Yellow, Orange, and Red con recipes will take the normal craft time.

Quality Changes

- The minimum crafted quality is now 96%. Crafters will now have, roughly, a 24% chance to craft an item that is 96%, 97%, 98%, or 99% quality.

- Masterpiece (100% quality) chance has not been changed.


- The bonus to regeneration while standing out of combat has been greatly increased. The amount of ticks a player receives while standing has been doubled and it will now match the bonus to regeneration while sitting. Players will no longer need to sit to regenerate faster.

- While in combat, health and power regeneration ticks will happen twice as often.

- Each tick of health and power is now twice as effective.

- All health and power regeneration aids are now twice as effective.

- Fatigue now regenerates at the standing rate while moving

C'est le principal, il en reste encore, mais bon..

+ La correction des guarks et autrs es mobs a spells.

Merci et bon jeu.

P.S. Un jour, oui les points manquants des classes < 1.8x seront récupérés (au prix de perdre les pts auto surement)

P.P.S Il était impossible de prévoir avec exactitude l'étendue de la modification 1.87 avant de l'avoir vue (pour les regens)

Je trouve aussi que ces modifications retirent de l'intéret au jeu.
Elles disparaitrons donc, le plus rapidement possible.

Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 08:31
by Nowhereman
Je crois que le craft bug. Le pourcentage de fail est en fait le pourcentage de réussite. J'ai testé de craft un truc vert, et c'est 0 % de réussite : je n'arrive plus a en crafter un seul.

Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 08:35
by Malkavien

Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 08:47
by freny

effectivement, j'essaie de craft un objet ce couleur orange (compétence 773 et je suis au niveau 771). Mon taux de reussite dans la fabrication de l'objet est de 16%.

Bonne journée.


Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 08:49
by freny
précision : le taux est bien celui affiché et non pas un calcul que j'ai effectué.


Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 10:38
by thom merilin
Au niveau du regen endu meme si j'ai vu que le dernier point de la maj concernait les regen heal / endu / life il me semble que ya un soucis j'ai couru sur pret d'une demi heure sans etre a 0 d'endu (j'etais a 57 et ca c'est maintenu) .

Sinon sympa la maj craft (plus de qua 96 % moins)

Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 13:04
by Azall
Sympathique comme mise à jour, néanmoins le taux de regen plus élevée (qui s'applique aussi aux mobs) est plutot embetant pour les debutants car on mets trois plombes a tuer des bleu/vert =p

Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 13:18
by miroy
Cool :p.

Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 13:20
by Kiryu
Merci ! GG ;)

Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 13:24
by Myron
- Changed: Friars will now get 1.8x spec points.
Rassurez moi, c'est rétroactif ca hein. :shock:

Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 13:30
by Malkavien
Clairement pas.

Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 13:41
by Virale
En gros tous les anciens moines auront leur 1.5 et les nouveaux 1.8 ?? :shock:

Heu là ça part en vrille le déséquilibre x_x

Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 13:57
by BilbU
Malkavien wrote:Clairement pas.
Je connais quelques friar qui ne vont pas etre contents. :p
Paie ton reroll ! :D
Bon, OK, c'est pas drole. :/

Mis à part ça, si je ne m'abuse ce sont là des mises à jours DoL. Sans vouloir paraitre insistant, qu'en est il des corrections de bugs depuis la mise à jour de la nouvelle année ?

Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 14:11
by Myron
Virale wrote:En gros tous les anciens moines auront leur 1.5 et les nouveaux 1.8 ?? :shock:

Heu là ça part en vrille le déséquilibre x_x
J'avoue, je m'y attendais en plus.

Et pourquoi ne laisse-t-on pas simplement le 1,5 de base plutot que de ruiner de nombreux personnages inutilement? Clairement je ne vois pas l'avantage d'une telle modif de manière non rétroactive... :?

Posted: 17 Jan 2007, 14:28
by Virale
Bah espérons ça pourra être rééquilibré un jour
(non mais surtout up en 1.87 que les Moine, c'était la dernière chose à faire :? )