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MAJ 15/10/2006

Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 23:27
by Malkavien
Histoire de renouer un peu avec le passé, voici la liste des modifications récentes du serveur, au cas ou ça en intéresse certains.

Mais pour résumer le plus important, les PETS sont de retour, en version "basique".
En effet, ceux-ci n'attaquent qu'au CaC, et pas toutes les classes ont leur pets.

Les classes avec des pets :
- SpiritMaster
- Hunter
- BoneDancer (Ne fonctionne pas)
- Cabalist
- Theurgist
- Enchanter
- Animist (Ne fonctionne pas)
- Necromancer (Ne fonctionne pas)
- Druid (Ne fonctionne pas)

Sinon, remise du /summon, corrections diverses et variées....

Code: Select all

 - BugFix : the /respec didn't display RealmRespecs if you didn't have any other respecs
- Bugfix: If you draw a horse, a horse armor or horse barding from it's slot in the mount window onto a backpack object, the two items are exchanged even if the backpack item does not fit in one of these slots. 
- Bugfix: You can now cast pets when targeting keep components and doors.
- Bugfix: You can now cast GT spells when targeting keep components and doors.
- Bugfix: Theurgist pets were not associated with the owner so they did not forward experience, realm points, put the owner in combat, and display damage dealt messages.
- Bugfix: Theurgist pets will no longer follow the caster once the target has been killed.
- Bugfix: Added the missing HealthToEndurance Savage spell handler. (Reported by mgX)
- Bugfix: Claiming a keep will now require all members of the group to be near the keep.
- Bugfix: You can no longer add more than one relic to a relic pad. (Reported by opik)
- Bugfix: Bainshee's will now lose the correct spell lines and specialisations. (Reported by Overdriven)
- Added: Basic melee pets, see Dawn of Light Weekly News 8 for more information.
- Added : /path add [speedlimit] [wait time in second] : adds a point with a waiting time.
- Bugfix: Fixed an error in the SQL syntax for the news which referred to a field that I removed.
- Bugfix: Mobs in zones with ID > 255 i.e. Catacombs will no longer disappear after a few seconds.
- Added: /social window news information
- Added: Horse Boats, i.e. the boats with routes in NF and the Boat Stable Master.
- Added: Code for boiling oil and rams
Note: I've had to rewrite the majority of the riding code, please try and test fully the effects on normal horses, and give me feedback on any part of these changes. To test rams use /siegeweapon create miniram/lightram/mediumram/heavyram.
- Bugfix: Fixed an exception in the TutorialJumpPointHandler.
- Changed: The keep position system which stores keep objects guards/banners etc now accepts a new field for ComponentRotation, this is needed because it became apparent that the corner tower skins of a keep wall are the same skin ID but are rotated, previously this had a problem when you tried to place guards on the the different components, but they all were placed on the first. This now invalidates the old database, after patching this update, please start the server so the new field can  be automatically created, and then clear the table of all entries and run the sql update from the dol website for the keep package.
- Changed: RvR death messages now output to the entire region and will now display the location they have died if within an AbstractArea.
- Bugfix: PacketLib185 didn't have the correct attributes, this prevented 1.85 clients from connecting.
- Added: A blank PacketLib186 file.
- Added: /keep addbanner command, currently you can only assign a position for a single keep height, this feature will come in a later version.
- Bugfix: /respec will now display the points correctly after completion without having to relog.
Reportez ici tous les bugs.

Merci et bon jeu

Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 23:28
by Virale
Prem's !

Gg :D

*va lire* :lol:

Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 23:28
by Shrike
Plus de ouin ouin pour les pets :)

GG ^^

Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 23:31
by W0okie
Mais pour le SpiritMaster sa ne marche pas :)

Sa met :" NPC template 0 not found "

voila voila .. :)

Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 23:32
by Omega
Merci :) , enfin les pets ^^ en attendant dans une maj prochaine peut être qu'ils face des chose plus avancé ^^

Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 23:32
by Yarm

Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 23:36
by Asallyn
Youhouu jeyjey Ha oups Boum crash serveur :roll:

Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 23:56
by hartemus
Ouais \o/

G G :D

Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 00:05
by comjadis
tout d abord gg
ensuite un petit bug remarquer sur mon bonedancer mon pet et gris pour moi (je suis level 15 mon pet level 1 max) je devrais le voir bleu.
j ai tester sur un mob jaune pur moi j ai envoyer mon pet dessus il s est fait os ensuite je l ai tester sur un mob level 1 il fait 3 de dommage je pense qu il faut augmenter son niveau et ses degat

Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 00:14
by Asenar Lunin
les nouveautés datent du 23 aout ici :

En gros ceux qui arrivent ils ont l'impression qu'il n'y a des news qu'une fois sur 10.

Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 00:15
by Asenar Lunin
Ah, impossible d'éditer (on se demande pourquoi...) : sur le lanceur, ça date du 8 mai.

voilà, "bugs" reportés

Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 00:30
by Dre
News édité pour les pets ne fonctionnant pas. :)

Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 07:47
by Kiryu
Ah, les pets ! (l)


Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 08:32
by Shaeg@
GG ! Enfin les pet de retour ! ^^

Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 08:33
by lange
Alors la GG !