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Posted: 11 Feb 2006, 14:45
by Dumetella
Je viens de retrouver un vieux log du jeu.... le premier RvR d'Amtenael (pas plus de 15-20 participants). Organisé par Malkavien et Spam.
En présence de Akim, Hder, Sukiyo, Tirius etc... ça fait un peu partie de la préhistoire d'Amtenael :lol:
*** Journal ouvert : Mon Aug 09 22:19:33 2004

[22:19:34] You target [Natis]
[22:19:34] You examine Natis. She is a member of the Les Dragons Rouges guild.
[22:19:35] You target [Natis]
[22:19:35] You examine Natis. She is a member of the Les Dragons Rouges guild.
[22:19:41] Sukiyo just entered the game!
[22:19:48] @@Malkavien says, "apres le combat durera tant que je n'ai aps dit d'arreter, je compterais les morts de chaque cote"
[22:19:50] @@You say, "les admins play ?"
[22:19:52] Lomelas just left the game!
[22:19:54] @@Sukiyo says, "merci spam :)"
[22:19:54] Yaugzebul just left the game!
[22:19:55] @@Malkavien says, "a la fin on compte les pts"
[22:19:57] @@Sukiyo says, "du deco rapid ^^"
[22:20:00] @@Zie says, "c rassurant -_-"
[22:20:09] @@Sukiyo says, "reinviter moi les amis"
[22:20:15] Lomelas just entered the game!
[22:20:18] Glomus just entered the game!
[22:20:20] Sukiyo has joined the group.
[22:20:24] Yaugzebul just disconnected!
[22:20:25] @@Fireball says, "celui qui meurt le plus souvant a un bonus"
[22:20:28] @@Malkavien says, "apres, je vous demanderais ce que vous voulez faire pour continuer"
[22:20:35] @@Myrmeen says, "lol fire"
[22:20:36] Your character has been saved.
[22:20:37] @@Sukiyo says, "malka ta une salle tete"
[22:20:41] @@Natis says, "ok c'est kler"
[22:20:45] @@Malkavien says, "seuls les responsables de camp peuvent me sender pour me parler"
[22:20:52] @@Malkavien says, "alors discutez souvent avec eux"
[22:20:53] @@Sukiyo says, "he moi?"
[22:20:56] @@Myrmeen says, "ok"
[22:20:58] @@Sukiyo says, "je peu te send comme un con?"
[22:20:58] @@Spam says, "a ta place Sukiyo."
[22:21:02] @@Zie says, "c pas ekilibrer la"
[22:21:09] @@Zie says, "y a trop de bolteur"
[22:21:10] Yaugzebul just entered the game!
[22:21:10] @@Malkavien says, "oui l'equilibre on va arranger"
[22:21:13] @@Zie says, "on va touse crever"
[22:21:13] @@Sukiyo says, "je me promener dans le chateau"
[22:21:14] @@Myrmeen says, "disons hib + mid contre nous"
[22:21:18] @@Myrmeen says, "en plus Haskina arrive"
[22:21:20] @@Malkavien says, "remettez vous par camp svp"
[22:21:23] @@Spam says, "on ne distingue MEME PLUS les 3 camps."
[22:21:25] @@Zie says, "je le prend :p"
[22:21:27] @@Tirius says, "grr"
[22:21:31] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "reculez un peu svp on comprendrien "
[22:21:39] @@Malkavien says, "oui hib+mid"
[22:21:43] You target [Takatk]
[22:21:43] You examine Takatk. He is a member of the Legion Noire guild.
[22:21:44] You target [Stalker]
[22:21:44] You examine Stalker. He is a member of the Les Dragons Rouges guild.
[22:21:46] @@Malkavien says, "repartissez vous en 2 campsz plz"
[22:21:52] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "Sukiyo viens NE "
[22:22:00] @@Sukiyo says, "j ai vu un bug!!!"
[22:22:03] @@[Party] Fireball: "sa vat etre notre fete 2 contre 1 "
[22:22:03] @@Sukiyo says, "dans le chateau !!"
[22:22:14] @@Sukiyo says, "malka il y a un bug!!"
[22:22:18] @@Sukiyo says, "je peu po ouvrire une porte!!"
[22:22:23] @@[Party] Natis: "pas grave on s'amuse "
[22:22:37] Haskina has joined the group.
[22:22:40] @@[Guild] Tirius: "fo po ke myrenn m attak :/"
[22:22:43] @@Sukiyo says, "m en fou du screnn je serai seul survivant"
[22:22:51] @@Sukiyo says, "on bind ou?"
[22:22:54] @@Sukiyo says, "lool"
[22:22:58] @@Malkavien says, "les chef de camp vous me ditest des que vous etes tous pret"
[22:23:06] @@Sukiyo says, "spam regard"
[22:23:06] @@[Party] Fireball: "pret "
[22:23:09] @@Sukiyo says, "regard moi spam"
[22:23:11] @@Sukiyo says, "il y a un bug"
[22:23:12] @@Spam says, "chacun regarde bien dans quel camp il est .."
[22:23:16] Sukiyo howls in victory to Malkavien!
[22:23:16] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "bon tlm me stick svp vous dispercez pas ca va etre le bordel sinon "
[22:23:18] Sukiyo howls in victory to Malkavien!
[22:23:19] Sukiyo howls in victory to Malkavien!
[22:23:22] Sukiyo howls in victory to Spam!
[22:23:27] Sukiyo howls in victory to Spam!
[22:23:28] You target [Stalker]
[22:23:28] You examine Stalker. He is a member of the Les Dragons Rouges guild.
[22:23:28] Sukiyo howls in victory to Spam!
[22:23:29] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "je dis pas qu'on est pres tant que tlm me stick pas aller ^^ "
[22:23:29] You target [Myrmeen]
[22:23:29] You examine Myrmeen. She is a member of the Seigneurs d Amtenael guild.
[22:23:31] Sukiyo howls in victory to Spam!
[22:23:32] @@Malkavien says, "Akim reponsable de Mid+Hib, Myrmeen de Alb"
[22:23:34] Vous collez à Myrmeen.
[22:23:36] Sukiyo howls in victory to Spam!
[22:23:38] Sukiyo howls in victory to Spam!
[22:23:40] Sukiyo howls in victory to Spam!
[22:23:40] Matty just entered the game!
[22:23:41] Sukiyo howls in victory to Spam!
[22:23:42] Sukiyo howls in victory to Spam!
[22:23:43] @@Spam says, "Je vais te debugger vite fais moi .."
[22:23:43] Vous ne suivez plus automatiquement votre cible.
[22:23:43] Sukiyo howls in victory to Spam!
[22:23:44] Sukiyo howls in victory to Spam!
[22:23:48] @@Malkavien says, "vous aurez le temps de faire vos strategies dans votre camp"
[22:23:48] @@Sukiyo says, "ta un probleme"
[22:23:50] @@Sukiyo says, ":p"
[22:23:51] Vous collez à Myrmeen.
[22:23:52] @@[Party] Natis: "suis stick "
[22:23:53] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "Sukiyo je parle pour toi aussi "
[22:23:55] Vous ne suivez plus automatiquement votre cible.
[22:23:59] Vous collez à Myrmeen.
[22:24:07] @@Malkavien says, "si c bon, alors on va binder"
[22:24:07] @@[Party] Sukiyo: "c bon "
[22:24:08] @@Akim says, "en plus je dois deco reco"
[22:24:11] @@Myrmeen says, "on est pres"
[22:24:16] @@Malkavien says, "stickez alors"
[22:24:17] @@Sukiyo says, "spam tu va le regretter!!"
[22:24:19] @@Malkavien says, "c pas tres loin"
[22:24:19] @@[Guild] Akim: "RDY?"
[22:24:25] @@Sukiyo says, "spam te mort"
[22:24:28] @@Spam says, "pas de REZ kill evidemment"
[22:24:31] @@Malkavien says, "ah comme ya que 2 camps on va binder ailleurs"
[22:24:37] @@Malkavien says, "go"
[22:24:42] @@Malkavien says, "mdr"
[22:24:47] @@Hder says, "lol"
[22:24:53] @@Sukiyo says, "je vai ou"
[22:24:58] @@[Party] Haskina: "non "
[22:25:02] @@Sukiyo says, "en avant a l aventure"
[22:25:02] @@Malkavien says, "ici c'est la zonre de combat"
[22:25:08] @@Sukiyo says, "malka"
[22:25:08] @@Sukiyo says, "j ai une kestion"
[22:25:13] Kodrom just entered the game!
[22:25:14] Myrmeen est trop loin pour être suivi !
[22:25:31] You target [Haskina]
[22:25:31] You examine Haskina. He is a member of the Seigneurs d Amtenael guild.
[22:25:43] You target [Spam]
[22:25:43] You examine Spam. He is a member of the Admin guild.
[22:25:44] Alexx just entered the game!
[22:25:52] @@Sukiyo says, "la moitier va buguer avant le jeu"
[22:26:06] @@[Party] Fireball: "sa bug grave "
[22:26:10] @@Stalker says, "lol"
[22:26:16] @@Sukiyo says, "c spam ki fait tt buguer"
[22:26:18] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "normal on est 20 au meme endroit ca lag "
[22:26:18] @@Sukiyo says, "faut le tuer !!"
[22:26:19] @@Sukiyo says, ":D"
[22:26:25] @@Spam says, "attendez."
[22:26:31] You target [Rak]
[22:26:31] You examine Rak. He is a member of the Les Dragons Rouges guild.
[22:26:45] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "venez pres de moi svp "
[22:26:54] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "ok tlm suit :-) "
[22:26:56] @@[Party] Sukiyo: "bon on tue myrmeen :D "
[22:27:18] You target [Tirius]
[22:27:18] You examine Tirius. He is a member of the Legion Noire guild.
[22:27:20] Vous collez à Tirius.
[22:27:21] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "on va faire un vote pour savoir qui on tue moi ou toi Suki ^^ "
[22:27:33] Vous ne suivez plus automatiquement votre cible.
[22:27:37] @@[Party] Sukiyo: "moi je vs tue touuus "
[22:27:42] Vous collez à Tirius.
[22:27:43] Vous ne suivez plus automatiquement votre cible.
[22:27:49] @@[Party] Fireball: "lol "
[22:27:52] Titia just entered the game!
[22:27:52] Votre ami, Titia, vient de se connecter.
[22:27:56] Vous collez à Tirius.
[22:27:59] Vous ne suivez plus automatiquement votre cible.
[22:28:01] @@Sukiyo says, "spam part stp tu fait tt buguer"
[22:28:04] @@Sukiyo says, "tu porte poisse"
[22:28:08] Titia has joined the group.
[22:28:11] Killfordie just entered the game!
[22:28:17] @@[Party] Titia: "arf le bug de ouf:/ "
[22:28:17] You target [Zie]
[22:28:17] You examine Zie. She is a member of the Seigneurs d Amtenael guild.
[22:28:26] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "Titia on est en rouge vers le 2eme fort "
[22:28:39] @@[Party] Sukiyo: "en route mon ami "
[22:28:40] @@[Party] Titia: "loc plz si vou bouger pa "
[22:29:04] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "si tu es tjs au premier fort tu vois le 2eme, on est la ^^ "
[22:29:04] @@Spam says, "restez grouper"
[22:29:04] Adoran just disconnected!
[22:29:04] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "au sud "
[22:29:12] @@Malkavien says, "regardez"
[22:29:13] @@[Party] Titia: "ok "
[22:29:15] @@Malkavien says, "le village la bas"
[22:29:17] @@Malkavien says, "c la bas"
[22:29:20] @@Sukiyo says, "spam j ai une idee on fait du 1vs1 sa laguera po peu etre :D"
[22:29:22] @@Malkavien says, "c plus au centre c mieux, allez y"
[22:29:36] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "Titia laisse tomber on va au village "
[22:29:44] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "tu le vois de la ou tu es normalement "
[22:30:03] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "peut etre qu'il vient de mettre une pierre de bind "
[22:30:03] @@[Party] Fireball: "titua colle "
[22:30:13] @@[Party] Sukiyo: "elle y ai mais elle marche po "
[22:30:20] @@[Party] Natis: "yen avait une deja "
[22:30:42] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "hm c'est vrai ^^ "
[22:30:42] Your character has been saved.
[22:30:42] @@Titia says, "putin mon endu es buguer"
[22:30:42] Fireball casts a spell!
[22:30:49] Troll Putrifie attacks Fireball and hits!
[22:30:51] Mortadelle just left the game!
[22:30:51] Fireball attacks Troll Putrifie with her weapon!
[22:30:51] Troll Putrifie dies!
[22:30:54] Troll Putrifie attacks Sukiyo and hits!
[22:31:06] Tirius casts a spell!
[22:31:06] Fireball casts a spell!
[22:31:09] @@Spam says, "Bien tout le monde est la ?"
[22:31:09] Troll Putrifie dies!
[22:31:31] @@Titia says, "je doi deko reko mon endu es bloker"
[22:31:31] Troll Putrifie attacks Rak and is evaded!
[22:31:31] @@Hder says, "c'est pas la"
[22:31:31] @@Sukiyo says, "je vs avez di k on peu po se binder ici"
[22:31:31] You target [Troll Putrifie]
[22:31:31] You examine Troll Putrifie. It is neutral towards you.
[22:31:31] @@Titia says, "ya ke moi ki lag la?"
[22:31:31] You enter combat mode and target [Troll Putrifie]
[22:31:31] You attack Troll Putrifie and hit for 102 damage!
[22:31:32] Vous collez à Troll Putrifie.
[22:31:32] Troll Putrifie attacks Rak and misses!
[22:31:38] Troll Putrifie attacks Rak and hits!
[22:31:38] You attack Troll Putrifie and hit for 123 damage!
[22:31:38] Troll Putrifie dies!
[22:31:38] @@Zie says, "va avoir du mal avec le lague"
[22:31:38] Vous ne suivez plus automatiquement votre cible.
[22:31:46] @@Hder says, "non moi je lag"
[22:31:50] @@Rak says, "lag trop :s"
[22:31:58] You target [Troll Putrifie]
[22:31:58] You examine Troll Putrifie. It is neutral towards you.
[22:31:59] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "parti ou malka ? "
[22:31:59] Vous collez à Troll Putrifie.
[22:32:04] Vous ne suivez plus automatiquement votre cible.
[22:32:05] Troll Putrifie attacks Tirius and hits!
[22:32:14] You enter combat mode and target [Troll Putrifie]
[22:32:14] @@[Party] Sukiyo: "teleporter "
[22:32:14] You enter combatmode but have no target!
[22:32:14] Rak casts a spell!
[22:32:14] Troll Putrifie dies!
[22:32:14] Titia casts a spell!
[22:32:15] Gyzmo just disconnected!
[22:32:26] Titia casts a spell!
[22:32:49] Adoran just entered the game!
[22:32:50] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "c'est la maison au coin NO "
[22:33:41] Lomelas just disconnected!
[22:33:41] You are now bound to this location.
[22:33:41] You are now bound to this location.
[22:33:41] You are now bound to this location.
[22:33:42] Lololochlys just disconnected!
[22:33:42] Troll Putrifie attacks Titia and hits!
[22:33:47] You are now bound to this location.
[22:33:47] Matty just disconnected!
[22:33:47] @@Sukiyo says, "sa bug lol"
[22:33:48] Alexx just disconnected!
[22:33:48] Troll Putrifie attacks Titia and hits!
[22:33:57] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "quand vous y etes asseyez vous pour delaguer "
[22:34:00] Titia just disconnected!
[22:34:00] Titia has left the group.
[22:34:00] You target [Zark]
[22:34:00] You examine Zark. He is a member of the Eldritch class.
[22:34:00] Votre ami, Titia, vient de se déconnecter.
[22:34:13] Edaregan just left the game!
[22:34:21] @@Spam says, "Assis .. et ne pulez pas les mob maintzenant SVP ca va pas arranger le lag"
[22:34:21] @@Malkavien says, "MID + HIB sous le commandement de Akim, allez dans le camp a gauche"
[22:34:21] @@Sukiyo says, "je bug :)"
[22:34:21] @@Sukiyo says, "on dirai"
[22:34:42] Lomelas just entered the game!
[22:34:53] You sit down. Type '/stand' or move to stand up.
[22:35:02] @@Malkavien says, "si tout le monde est binde ici, go dans les camps !"
[22:35:05] @@Spam says, "SUIYO"
[22:35:10] Sukiyo just disconnected!
[22:35:10] Sukiyo has left the group.
[22:35:11] @@Tirius says, "tss"
[22:35:15] @@Spam says, "."
[22:35:16] You stand up.
[22:35:17] Treon just entered the game!
[22:35:20] Dalael just left the game!
[22:35:20] Yaugzebul just left the game!
[22:35:52] Titia just entered the game!
[22:35:52] Votre ami, Titia, vient de se connecter.
[22:35:56] Sukiyo just entered the game!
[22:36:25] @@Malkavien says, "a droit pour alb"
[22:36:34] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "tlm au nord "
[22:36:36] @@Sukiyo says, "spam pk ta fait sa a moi :'("
[22:36:41] ##HOST Broadcasts: INFO: Albion suivez Spam jusqu'au fort
[22:37:03] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "venez tous dans le camp le plus au nord "
[22:37:06] Lamz just entered the game!
[22:37:31] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "Hask tu es ou ?? "
[22:37:40] Titia has joined the group.
[22:37:44] Sukiyo has joined the group.
[22:37:44] Rak just disconnected!
[22:37:45] You sit down. Type '/stand' or move to stand up.
[22:37:46] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "viens il manque que toi "
[22:37:49] @@[Party] Fireball: "comment on voit se qui ce passe a l'exterieur j'ai pas passe muraille moli "
[22:38:05] Lamz just disconnected!
[22:38:05] @@[Party] Haskina: "c po au nord alors "
[22:38:14] @@[Guild] Akim: "le camp a W"
[22:38:15] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "si, celui pres des loups ou on etait au debut "
[22:38:23] You stand up.
[22:38:51] Flutz just entered the game!
[22:39:07] @@Spam says, "Ne bougez pas SVP"
[22:39:16] @@Sukiyo says, "chui bloker"
[22:39:17] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "Hask entre ^^ "
[22:39:18] @@Sukiyo says, "titia aide moii"
[22:39:21] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "Spam ca dire qqch "
[22:39:24] @@[Party] Haskina: "je surveille "
[22:39:30] @@Spam says, "on attend le top depart :)"
[22:39:31] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "pas besoin ca a pas commence encore "
[22:39:37] @@[Party] Sukiyo: "je suis blocker "
[22:39:47] @@Sukiyo says, "merci"
[22:39:50] @@[Party] Fireball: "lol 30 min pour commencer "
[22:39:51] @@Sukiyo says, "fois ke sa me le dait"
[22:40:00] @@Sukiyo says, "fait"
[22:40:01] Urza just entered the game!
[22:40:07] @@Sukiyo says, "spam faut virer se bug :)"
[22:40:08] @@Spam says, "Zetes prets ?"
[22:40:13] @@Myrmeen says, "oui"
[22:40:19] @@Natis says, "ui"
[22:40:23] Rak just entered the game!
[22:40:27] @@Sukiyo says, "pret a tuer spam wouaiiii"
[22:40:33] @@Spam says, "Vous etes tous ALB ?"
[22:40:36] Your character has been saved.
[22:40:36] @@Natis says, "ui"
[22:40:37] @@Sukiyo says, "nan"
[22:40:38] @@Myrmeen says, "oui ^^"
[22:40:40] @@Sukiyo says, "je suis de valreas"
[22:40:42] @@Fireball says, "oui"
[22:40:45] @@Stalker says, "ui"
[22:40:48] @@Fireball says, "plage"
[22:40:48] @@Sukiyo says, "dans le vaucluse"
[22:40:54] Akim just disconnected!
[22:40:54] Votre ami, Akim, vient de se déconnecter.
[22:40:56] @@Haskina says, "chef oui chef"
[22:41:03] @@Sukiyo says, "a coter d avignon"
[22:41:03] Treon just left the game!
[22:41:05] @@Spam says, "il faut 2 volontaires pour rejoindre mid et hib"
[22:41:11] @@Spam says, "Qui se devoue ?"
[22:41:14] @@You say, "ok"
[22:41:17] @@You say, "moi"
[22:41:18] @@Natis says, "ok"
[22:41:19] @@Sukiyo says, "moi"
[22:41:24] @@Sukiyo says, "mon frere et moi"
[22:41:27] @@Spam says, "ok takatk et sukiyo, C parti"
[22:41:35] @@Sukiyo says, "teleporte moi"
[22:41:37] @@Fireball says, "lol les 2 plus fort"
[22:41:44] @@Titia says, "mai non"
[22:41:48] @@Titia says, "pa2 tank"
[22:41:50] @@Myrmeen says, "aller courez ^^"
[22:41:51] Adoran just left the game!
[22:41:53] @@Sukiyo says, "nanana"
[22:41:53] @@Spam says, "non marchez juskau fort d'a coter"
[22:41:54] @@Stalker says, "les plus fort sa serra plus equilibrer"
[22:42:03] Sukiyo has left the group.
[22:42:07] You leave your group.
[22:42:48] Adoran just entered the game!
[22:43:37] Akim just entered the game!
[22:43:37] Votre ami, Akim, vient de se connecter.
[22:43:51] @@Hder says, "ah ben nan"
[22:43:52] @@Sukiyo says, "c ki ki ma fait sa?"
[22:43:54] @@Rak says, "c hder"
[22:44:00] @@Sukiyo says, "te mort"
[22:44:01] @@Hder says, "koi?"
[22:44:03] @@Rak says, "mdr"
[22:44:04] Sukiyo attacks Hder with his weapon!
[22:44:05] Gyzmo just entered the game!
[22:44:05] Rak casts a spell!
[22:44:11] @@Hder says, "qq se passe?"
[22:44:19] Hder casts a spell!
[22:44:23] @@Sukiyo says, "on va retourner la bas je croi"
[22:44:23] @@Malkavien says, "suki stop c tes amis"
[22:44:25] @@Malkavien says, "t avec eux"
[22:44:29] @@Sukiyo says, "ouai"
[22:44:29] Zie has invited you to join her group.
[22:44:32] Takatk has joined the group.
[22:44:33] @@Sukiyo says, "mais ta vu les mec en face?"
[22:44:34] @@[Party] Rak: "erf "
[22:44:37] @@Sukiyo says, "vs allez vs faire exploser"
[22:44:43] @@Malkavien says, "non"
[22:44:45] @@Sukiyo says, "inviter moi"
[22:44:47] @@Malkavien says, "on est plus nbombreux now"
[22:44:48] @@Zie says, "non"
[22:44:52] @@Hder says, "mais fo mette suki avec les autres il tape ces amis"
[22:44:57] @@Sukiyo says, "lol"
[22:44:57] Tirius points at Sukiyo.
[22:44:57] @@Akim says, "dsl deco"
[22:45:00] Tirius laughs at Sukiyo!
[22:45:01] @@Sukiyo says, "te po mon ami dabors"
[22:45:02] Tirius slaps Sukiyo!
[22:45:02] Rak casts a spell!
[22:45:06] @@Malkavien says, "bon sa va commencer"
[22:45:08] @@Sukiyo says, "c ki ki me fait sa ??"
[22:45:10] @@Hder says, "nan mais j'xp ac toi :D"
[22:45:12] @@You say, "les admins se battent ?"
[22:45:12] @@Malkavien says, "pas de kill au bind bien sur"
[22:45:22] @@Sukiyo says, "malka inviter moi!!"
[22:45:26] @@Zie says, "il rentre ds le fort?"
[22:45:27] @@Malkavien says, "si jamais sa marche pas lr RvR, je prepare une derniere surprise"
[22:45:33] @@Malkavien says, "non interdit de rentrer dans les forts"
[22:45:39] @@Sukiyo says, "MALKA"
[22:45:41] @@Sukiyo says, "INVITE"
[22:45:42] @@Sukiyo says, "NS"
[22:45:47] Rak casts a spell!
[22:45:53] @@Zie says, "lol"
[22:45:55] @@Hder says, "c'est pas malka c'est Zie :p"
[22:45:55] @@Sukiyo says, "le mec ki fait se sort a la con c ki !"
[22:45:56] @@Sukiyo says, ":d"
[22:46:02] Kodrom just disconnected!
[22:46:02] Sukiyo attacks Zie and is blocked!
[22:46:06] @@Sukiyo says, "invite"
[22:46:12] Tirius casts a spell!
[22:46:12] @@Zie says, "nan"
[22:46:15] Rak casts a spell!
[22:46:21] @@Sukiyo says, "pk?"
[22:46:31] @@Malkavien says, "bon"
[22:46:37] Rak casts a spell!
[22:46:41] @@Malkavien says, "quand vous voudrez, vous pourrez sortir et vous mettre en place"
[22:46:43] @@Hder says, "invite le il poura plus nous taper :p"
[22:46:45] @@Sukiyo says, "malka ki leur de m inviter"
[22:46:49] @@[Party] Zie: "zark reste bien en arriere "
[22:46:53] Tirius casts a spell!
[22:46:53] @@Sukiyo says, "ou je les tue"
[22:46:54] @@Malkavien says, "invitez le dans votre groupe"
[22:46:57] You target [Malkavien]
[22:46:57] You examine Malkavien. He is a member of the Admin guild.
[22:46:58] You target [Sukiyo]
[22:46:58] You examine Sukiyo. He is a member of the Armsman class.
[22:47:01] Sukiyo attacks Zie with his weapon!
[22:47:02] @@Malkavien says, "moi g pas de groupe"
[22:47:03] @@[Party] Zark: "oui lvl 9 je v lutter "
[22:47:03] Rak casts a spell!
[22:47:08] Tirius casts a spell!
[22:47:09] @@[Party] Zie: "mais il est chiant lui la "
[22:47:10] You target [Sukiyo]
[22:47:11] You examine Sukiyo. He is a member of the Armsman class.
[22:47:12] @@Malkavien says, "invitez suki"
[22:47:15] You target [Hder]
[22:47:15] You examine Hder. He is a member of the Les Dragons Rouges guild.
[22:47:17] @@Malkavien says, "kon en parle plus"
[22:47:19] @@[Party] Rak: "invite le "
[22:47:22] You target [Sukiyo]
[22:47:22] You examine Sukiyo. He is a member of the Armsman class.
[22:47:23] You target [Hder]
[22:47:23] You examine Hder. He is a member of the Les Dragons Rouges guild.
[22:47:23] @@Zie says, "mais il est chiant"
[22:47:24] Rak casts a spell!
[22:47:26] @@Malkavien says, "interdit de se battreentre vous"
[22:47:28] @@[Party] Hder: "invite le "
[22:47:29] @@Sukiyo says, "malka les autre son mieu il t iinvite direct au moin"
[22:47:29] @@Zie says, "il tape sur n'importe ki"
[22:47:31] @@[Guild] Akim: "ARRETE de le pull"
[22:47:33] @@Malkavien says, "allez sortez, les autres sont deja en train de vous attendre :)"
[22:47:38] @@[Guild] Akim: "je ne l aime pas non plus"
[22:47:41] @@Tirius says, "lol suki il veule po de toi :)"
[22:47:44] Zie casts a spell!
[22:47:46] @@[Guild] Akim: "mais on n a pas le choix"
[22:47:48] @@Sukiyo says, "tirius je vai te tuer :D"
[22:47:48] @@Malkavien says, "suki les autres t'ont designe pour partir paske t un relou"
[22:47:53] @@Tirius says, "essaye"
[22:47:54] @@Tirius says, "t aura"
[22:47:54] @@[Party] Rak: "invite le -_- "
[22:47:56] @@Malkavien says, "alors c deja bien kon t'acepte"
[22:47:56] @@Tirius says, "tout le monde sur le dos"
[22:47:57] @@Tirius says, "lol"
[22:47:59] @@Sukiyo says, "malka tu le croi aussi?"
[22:48:01] @@[Party] Hder: "invite le! "
[22:48:09] Sukiyo has joined the group.
[22:48:13] @@Malkavien says, "aller bonne chance a tous"
[22:48:14] @@[Party] Sukiyo: "copaiiin "
[22:48:14] @@Hder says, "ah qd meme"
[22:48:15] @@[Party] Zie: "une connerie est je te vite "
[22:48:19] @@[Party] Sukiyo: "je pouvai vs faire buguer ici "
[22:48:26] @@[Party] Tirius: "tu fais po le con suki "
[22:48:31] @@[Party] Hder: "bon on se place comment? "
[22:48:34] @@[Party] Tirius: "C serieux "
[22:48:37] @@Malkavien says, "la strategie avant tout :)"
[22:48:38] @@[Party] Sukiyo: ":D "
[22:48:40] @@[Party] Rak: "vous devant moi derreire "
[22:48:43] @@[Party] Tirius: "on attends akim "
[22:48:44] @@Malkavien says, "tous sur le meme joueur sa payue :)"
[22:48:46] @@[Party] Sukiyo: "les bolter devan et guerier derier "
[22:48:47] @@[Party] Zie: "les bolteur en arriere les tanck vous foncer* "
[22:48:49] @@[Party] Tirius: "non "
[22:48:50] @@[Party] Rak: "je protege les arreire de tyrius :p "
[22:48:51] @@[Party] Tirius: "C le contraire "
[22:48:52] @@[Party] Tirius: "mdr "
[22:48:52] @@Malkavien says, "sortez dans la plaine"
[22:48:57] @@[Party] Rak: "on c jamais "
[22:48:59] @@[Party] Tirius: "nous on doit etre eloigner "
[22:48:59] @@[Party] Akim: "SUIKYO arrete les connerie(pour 1 fois) "
[22:49:01] @@[Party] Rak: "si yen a un qui fait le tour "
[22:49:04] @@[Party] Tirius: "et les bolteurs "
[22:49:08] @@[Party] Tirius: "TRES separer "
[22:49:11] @@[Party] Tirius: "C important "
[22:49:12] @@[Party] Zie: "les bolteurs en arreire !!!! "
[22:49:17] @@[Party] Hder: "clair suki fait pas le con cette fois stp :p "
[22:49:22] @@[Party] Zie: "maiss zark bordel "
[22:49:23] @@[Party] Sukiyo: "les bolteur devan !!! "
[22:49:26] @@[Party] Tirius: "ui ta intera "
[22:49:27] @@[Party] Sukiyo: "pi stoo :D "
[22:49:30] @@[Party] Tirius: "COmence po suki "
[22:49:31] @@[Party] Tirius: "merde "
[22:49:33] @@[Party] Akim: "LES TANKX PRES DE MOI "
[22:49:36] @@[Party] Tirius: "bon "
[22:49:36] @@[Party] Sukiyo: "Tirius te mon pote "
[22:49:39] @@[Party] Sukiyo: ":D "
[22:49:41] @@[Party] Tirius: "chut C serieu "
[22:49:44] @@Malkavien says, "ils vous attendent en face"
[22:49:45] @@[Party] Tirius: "arrete T po un gamin la "
[22:49:47] @@Malkavien says, "faites gaffe"
[22:49:47] @@[Party] Tirius: "bon "
[22:49:52] @@[Party] Hder: "les healer dorment derrier "
[22:49:53] @@[Party] Sukiyo: "tu fait ton chef :D "
[22:49:59] @@[Party] Tirius: "on fais D groupe "
[22:50:06] @@Malkavien says, "aller soyez courageux, vous allez tous crever 20 fois"
[22:50:07] @@[Party] Tirius: "tout les heal ensemble "
[22:50:09] @@[Party] Tirius: "bolt "
[22:50:14] @@[Party] Akim: "C MOI LE RESPONSABLE "
[22:50:15] @@[Party] Zie: "go "
[22:50:16] @@Malkavien says, "regardez les vous narguer"
[22:50:17] @@Sukiyo says, "malka regard c filou il veule k on fonce en er pour ns faire buter"
[22:50:18] @@[Party] Tirius: "lol "
[22:50:20] @@Sukiyo says, "1er"
[22:50:23] @@[Party] Tirius: "Bah va y akim "
[22:50:25] @@[Party] Tirius: "je t en pri ^^ "
[22:50:28] @@[Party] Tirius: "lol "
[22:50:36] Your character has been saved.
[22:50:40] You target [Spam]
[22:50:40] You examine Spam. He is a member of the Admin guild.
[22:50:40] Myrmeen casts a spell!
[22:50:41] Myrmeen hits you for 242 damage!
[22:50:41] You enter combat mode and target [Spam]
[22:50:41] Vous collez à Spam.
[22:50:42] You attack Spam and hit for 43 damage!
[22:50:47] @@Spam says, "bonne chance!"
[22:50:47] Fireball hits you for 119 damage!
[22:50:47] Myrmeen casts a spell!
[22:50:47] Myrmeen hits you for 158 damage!
[22:50:48] Sukiyo attacks Myrmeen with his weapon!
[22:50:48] Spam is out of range!
[22:50:48] You are healed by Zie for 216 hit points.
[22:50:48] Fireball casts a spell!
[22:50:48] Fireball hits you for 98 damage!
[22:50:50] Stalker hits your leg for 1 damage!
[22:50:51] Sukiyo attacks Myrmeen with his weapon!
[22:50:52] Spam is not in view!
[22:50:52] You are healed by Zie for 136 hit points.
[22:50:56] @@[Party] Akim: "GG ILS ONT GAGNE "
[22:50:56] You are healed by Zie for 136 hit points.
[22:51:00] You attack Spam and hit for 40 damage!
[22:51:07] You are healed by Zie for 130 hit points.
[22:51:11] Vous ne suivez plus automatiquement votre cible.
[22:51:13] You prepare to perform a Enrage!
[22:51:14] Spam is out of range!
[22:51:14] @@Sukiyo says, "c fluide"
[22:51:14] Stalker attacks you and you parry the blow!
[22:51:15] Vous collez à Stalker.
[22:51:25] Spam is not in view!
[22:51:25] @@Sukiyo says, "comme tt"
[22:51:26] @@[Party] Hder: "tin je lag :/ "
[22:51:32] You target [Stalker]
[22:51:32] You examine Stalker. He is a member of the Les Dragons Rouges guild.
[22:51:32] You enter combat mode and target [Stalker]
[22:51:32] You prepare to perform a Enrage!
[22:51:32] @@Titia says, "c pa jouable la"
[22:51:32] Urza just disconnected!
[22:51:32] You are no longer preparing to use your Enrage style!
[22:51:33] Stalker is out of range!
[22:51:34] @@[Party] Rak: "lag trop "
[22:51:36] Stalker is not in view!
[22:51:44] Stalker is not in view!
[22:51:44] Stalker est trop loin pour être suivi !
[22:51:56] You target [Natis]
[22:51:56] You examine Natis. She is a member of the Les Dragons Rouges guild.
[22:52:00] You enter combat mode and target [Natis]
[22:52:00] Natis is not in view!
[22:52:00] You enter combat mode and target [Natis]
[22:52:01] Vous collez à Natis.
[22:52:09] You attack Natis and hit for 114 damage!
[22:52:17] Vous ne suivez plus automatiquement votre cible.
[22:52:26] ##HOST Broadcasts: Que tous ceux ki n'ont aps encore rejoint la bataille me previennent si il veulent venir
[22:52:35] ##HOST Broadcasts: Que tous ceux ki n'ont aps encore rejoint la bataille me previennent si il veulent venir (Malkavien)
[22:52:58] You target [Natis]
[22:52:58] You examine Natis. She is a member of the Les Dragons Rouges guild.
[22:52:59] Sukiyo attacks Natis with his weapon!
[22:53:01] You enter combat mode and target [Natis]
[22:53:01] You attack Natis and hit for 103 damage!
[22:53:01] Vous collez à Natis.
[22:53:06] Urza just entered the game!
[22:53:11] You enter combat mode and target [Natis]
[22:53:12] Natis is out of range!
[22:53:17] Natis is out of range!
[22:53:21] You attack Natis and hit for 99 damage!
[22:53:39] Vous devez attendre un instant avant d'activer votre mode combat!
[22:53:41] You enter combat mode and target [Natis]
[22:53:41] Akim attacks Myrmeen with his weapon!
[22:53:42] Natis is already dead!
[22:53:43] You enter combat mode and target [Natis]
[22:53:46] Natis is already dead!
[22:53:46] @@Myrmeen says, "c'est comme l'autre fois quand on a essaye de pvp"
[22:53:48] You enter combat mode and target [Natis]
[22:53:50] You target [Rak]
[22:53:50] You examine Rak. He is a member of the Les Dragons Rouges guild.
[22:53:50] Rak is not in view!
[22:53:52] Vous collez à Rak.
[22:53:52] Akim attacks Myrmeen with his weapon!
[22:53:56] You enter combat mode and target [Rak]
[22:53:56] Rak is not in view!
[22:54:00] Rak is out of range!
[22:54:01] @@Myrmeen says, "on peut pas lancer de sort"
[22:54:02] Hder attacks Myrmeen with his weapon!
[22:54:03] Akim attacks Myrmeen with his weapon!
[22:54:05] You enter combat mode and target [Rak]
[22:54:06] @@Rak says, ":/"
[22:54:07] You enter combat mode and target [Rak]
[22:54:09] Akim attacks Myrmeen with his weapon!
[22:54:11] Vous ne suivez plus automatiquement votre cible.
[22:54:14] Akim attacks Myrmeen with his weapon!
[22:54:17] You target [Natis]
[22:54:17] You examine Natis. She is a member of the Les Dragons Rouges guild.
[22:54:20] You target [Natis]
[22:54:20] You examine Natis. She is a member of the Les Dragons Rouges guild.
[22:54:21] @@Myrmeen says, "vous emballez pas je suis inutile je peux pas incanter"
[22:54:21] You target [Myrmeen]
[22:54:21] You examine Myrmeen. She is a member of the Seigneurs d Amtenael guild.
[22:54:23] You enter combat mode and target [Myrmeen]
[22:54:23] Myrmeen is not in view!
[22:54:24] Vous collez à Myrmeen.
[22:54:25] Vous ne suivez plus automatiquement votre cible.
[22:54:29] You enter combat mode and target [Myrmeen]
[22:54:29] You attack Myrmeen and hit for 154 damage!
[22:54:32] You enter combat mode and target [Myrmeen]
[22:54:33] You attack Myrmeen and hit for 136 damage!
[22:54:35] You enter combat mode and target [Myrmeen]
[22:54:37] You attack Myrmeen and hit for 132 damage!
[22:54:44] You enter combat mode and target [Myrmeen]
[22:54:45] Myrmeen is not in view!
[22:54:46] Spam casts a spell!
[22:54:49] Myrmeen is not in view!
[22:54:55] You target [Natis]
[22:54:55] You examine Natis. She is a member of the Les Dragons Rouges guild.
[22:54:56] You enter combat mode and target [Natis]
[22:54:57] Natis is already dead!
[22:54:57] Vous collez à Natis.
[22:55:00] Vous ne suivez plus automatiquement votre cible.
[22:55:01] Hder attacks Titia and misses!
[22:55:10] You target [Rak]
[22:55:10] You examine Rak. He is a member of the Les Dragons Rouges guild.
[22:55:12] You enter combat mode and target [Rak]
[22:55:13] Rak is not in view!
[22:55:13] Vous collez à Rak.
[22:55:17] Rak is not in view!
[22:55:22] You enter combat mode and target [Rak]
[22:55:25] Vous ne suivez plus automatiquement votre cible.
[22:55:42] You target [Natis]
[22:55:42] You examine Natis. She is a member of the Les Dragons Rouges guild.
[22:55:47] You target [Spam]
[22:55:47] You examine Spam. He is a member of the Admin guild.
[22:55:49] You enter combat mode and target [Spam]
[22:55:50] Vous collez à Spam.
[22:55:50] You attack Spam and hit for 43 damage!
[22:55:50] You critical hit Spam for an additional 21 damage!
[22:55:54] You attack Spam and hit for 52 damage!
[22:55:59] You attack Spam and hit for 60 damage!
[22:56:01] @@[Party] Zie: "zzz "
[22:56:02] Spam casts a spell!
[22:56:03] You attack Spam and hit for 33 damage!
[22:56:07] You attack Spam and hit for 47 damage!
[22:56:09] You prepare to perform a Enrage!
[22:56:12] @@Spam says, "je ne joue pas :)"
[22:56:16] @@You say, "lol"
[22:56:17] Vous ne suivez plus automatiquement votre cible.
[22:56:20] @@Rak says, "ca lag trop :s"
[22:56:23] Glomus just left the game!
[22:56:26] @@You say, "t'es sur"
[22:56:34] @@You say, "t'es le seul que je peux tuer :-)"
[22:56:34] @@[Party] Zark: "c impossible de jouer :( "
[22:56:40] @@[Party] Zie: "oui "
[22:56:41] @@[Party] Akim: "klr "
[22:56:41] @@[Party] Hder: "klr "
[22:56:44] @@Spam says, "Normal je bouge pas."
[22:56:45] @@Zie says, "sa sert a rien la"
[22:56:58] You target [Rak]
[22:56:58] You examine Rak. He is a member of the Les Dragons Rouges guild.
[22:57:01] @@Hder says, "je peu pas taper ma guilde"
[22:57:02] Killfordie just left the game!
[22:57:04] @@Spam says, "le bind ne marhe pas ?"
[22:57:05] You target [Zie]
[22:57:05] You examine Zie. She is a member of the Seigneurs d Amtenael guild.
[22:57:07] Vous collez à Zie.
[22:57:09] You enter combat mode and target [Zie]
[22:57:11] You enter combat mode and target [Zie]
[22:57:14] @@Zie says, "y a plus rien ki marche"
[22:57:16] You enter combat mode and target [Zie]
[22:57:19] Vous ne suivez plus automatiquement votre cible.
[22:57:23] You target [Rak]
[22:57:23] You examine Rak. He is a member of the Les Dragons Rouges guild.
[22:57:24] You enter combat mode and target [Rak]
[22:57:29] Glomus just disconnected!
[22:57:29] @@Hder says, "ca lag trop"
[22:57:33] You target [Malkavien]
[22:57:33] You examine Malkavien. He is a member of the Admin guild.
[22:57:36] You target [Malkavien]
[22:57:36] You examine Malkavien. He is a member of the Admin guild.
[22:57:51] Urza just disconnected!
[22:57:53] @@Rak says, "lol"
[22:57:53] Killfordie just disconnected!
[22:57:54] You target [Dragon du RvR Rate]
[22:57:54] You examine Dragon du RvR Rate. It is neutral towards you.
[22:57:54] @@[Party] Tirius: "tro nul "
[22:57:56] @@[Party] Tirius: "je dit "
[22:57:58] Flutz just disconnected!
[22:57:58] Titia just left the game!
[22:57:59] You target [Dragon du RvR Rate]
[22:57:59] You examine Dragon du RvR Rate. It is neutral towards you.
[22:58:01] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:01] Dragon du RvR Rate attacks Rak and hits!
[22:58:04] You target [Dragon du RvR Rate]
[22:58:04] You examine Dragon du RvR Rate. It is neutral towards you.
[22:58:04] @@[Party] Rak: "arf "
[22:58:04] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:05] @@[Party] Akim: "je send pmalka "
[22:58:06] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:06] @@[Party] Rak: "ca tape fort "
[22:58:08] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:09] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:12] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:12] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:13] You enter combat mode and target [Dragon du RvR Rate]
[22:58:13] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 8 damage!
[22:58:13] Vous collez à Dragon du RvR Rate.
[22:58:14] Dragon du RvR Rate hits your leg for 94 damage!
[22:58:14] Stalker just left the game!
[22:58:15] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:16] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate and misses!
[22:58:17] @@[Party] Zark: "vou ete ou ? "
[22:58:18] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 12 damage!
[22:58:19] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:19] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:20] @@[Party] Rak: "me suis pris 132 :s "
[22:58:22] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:22] You miss!
[22:58:23] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:24] @@[Party] Rak: "sur le dragon "
[22:58:25] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:26] @@Malkavien says, "il est tuable mais uniquement si vous vous y mettez tous"
[22:58:26] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 5 damage!
[22:58:26] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate and misses!
[22:58:28] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate and misses!
[22:58:30] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:30] Stalker just entered the game!
[22:58:31] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 3 damage!
[22:58:31] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:33] Vous ne suivez plus automatiquement votre cible.
[22:58:34] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:35] You prepare to perform a Enrage!
[22:58:37] @@[Party] Zark: "ok "
[22:58:37] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:39] @@[Party] Hder: "tlm sur le dragon "
[22:58:40] @@Rak says, "kes ki drop ?"
[22:58:40] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate and misses!
[22:58:42] @@Rak says, ":p"
[22:58:44] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:45] Urza just entered the game!
[22:58:46] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:49] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:50] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:52] @@Spam says, "De la bave"
[22:58:52] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:53] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate and misses!
[22:58:56] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:56] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:56] @@Rak says, "sympa"
[22:58:59] You target [Dragon du RvR Rate]
[22:58:59] You examine Dragon du RvR Rate. It is neutral towards you.
[22:58:59] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:58:59] @@Malkavien says, "merde il tape pas"
[22:59:00] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:00] You target [Dragon du RvR Rate]
[22:59:00] You examine Dragon du RvR Rate. It is neutral towards you.
[22:59:02] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate and misses!
[22:59:03] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:05] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:11] Titia just entered the game!
[22:59:11] Votre ami, Titia, vient de se connecter.
[22:59:16] You target [Dragon du RvR Rate]
[22:59:16] You examine Dragon du RvR Rate. It is neutral towards you.
[22:59:17] You enter combat mode and target [Dragon du RvR Rate]
[22:59:18] Dragon du RvR Rate is out of range!
[22:59:18] Vous collez à Dragon du RvR Rate.
[22:59:19] @@Rak says, "moi y m avait taper"
[22:59:20] @@[Party] Zark: "par rapport a la plaine il est ou ce dragon "
[22:59:21] Zie attacks Dragon du RvR Rate and misses!
[22:59:22] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:22] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 8 damage!
[22:59:27] @@[Party] Hder: "sur la bute "
[22:59:27] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 12 damage!
[22:59:27] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:28] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:30] @@Akim says, "lol"
[22:59:31] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:31] Vous ne suivez plus automatiquement votre cible.
[22:59:31] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 5 damage!
[22:59:32] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:33] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:33] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:35] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 8 damage!
[22:59:37] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:37] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate and misses!
[22:59:38] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:39] @@Akim says, "1 pt de domage"
[22:59:40] You miss!
[22:59:40] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:41] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:43] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:43] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:44] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 2 damage!
[22:59:45] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:46] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:48] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 12 damage!
[22:59:48] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:49] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:49] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:52] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:52] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate and misses!
[22:59:52] You miss!
[22:59:54] @@Hder says, "en 10 ans on peu l'avoir :)"
[22:59:55] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:56] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:56] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[22:59:56] @@Rak says, "y ma taper a 132 :s"
[22:59:57] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 2 damage!
[22:59:59] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:00] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:00] @@Malkavien says, "il tape pas"
[23:00:01] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 12 damage!
[23:00:02] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:03] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:04] @@Rak says, "nan"
[23:00:05] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:05] @@You say, "moi 2 de deg"
[23:00:06] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 9 damage!
[23:00:08] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:08] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:10] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 4 damage!
[23:00:11] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:11] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:11] @@Spam says, "tu veu dire que c un dragon mechant ??"
[23:00:13] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:13] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate and misses!
[23:00:14] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 1 damage!
[23:00:14] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:14] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:16] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:17] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:18] @@Rak says, "2 en critique moi ue"
[23:00:18] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:18] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:19] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 1 damage!
[23:00:20] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:22] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:22] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate and misses!
[23:00:22] @@Hder says, "j'ai fait un critique a 2 :)"
[23:00:23] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 4 damage!
[23:00:24] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:24] Urza just left the game!
[23:00:24] Natis just disconnected!
[23:00:25] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:26] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:26] Spam attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:27] Hder attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:27] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 10 damage!
[23:00:34] @@Hder says, "lol"
[23:00:36] Your character has been saved.
[23:00:39] Rhyr just entered the game!
[23:00:40] You target [Dragon du RvR Rate]
[23:00:40] You examine Dragon du RvR Rate. It is aggressive towards you.
[23:00:42] You enter combat mode and target [Dragon du RvR Rate]
[23:00:42] Dragon du RvR Rate is out of range!
[23:00:42] Vous collez à Dragon du RvR Rate.
[23:00:47] You miss!
[23:00:50] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:51] You miss!
[23:00:54] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:55] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 1 damage!
[23:00:56] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:00:58] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:01] You miss!
[23:01:01] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:02] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate and misses!
[23:01:03] @@Malkavien says, "je c pas pkoi il attaque pas"
[23:01:04] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:04] Spam attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:05] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 9 damage!
[23:01:05] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:06] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:07] Spam attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:08] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 6 damage!
[23:01:08] Zark attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:09] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate and misses!
[23:01:09] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:10] Spam attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:11] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:13] Zark attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:13] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 1 damage!
[23:01:13] Spam attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:13] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:15] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:16] Spam attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:17] @@Malkavien says, "snif tout a rate MDR"
[23:01:17] Zark attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:17] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate and misses!
[23:01:17] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 13 damage!
[23:01:17] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:19] Spam attacks Dragon du RvR Rate and misses!
[23:01:21] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:21] Zark attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:21] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 1 damage!
[23:01:22] Spam attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:22] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:23] @@Sukiyo says, "lol"
[23:01:23] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:25] Spam attacks Dragon du RvR Rate and misses!
[23:01:25] @@Sukiyo says, "c la fete"
[23:01:25] Zark attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:26] @@You say, "13 de degat lol"
[23:01:26] You miss!
[23:01:26] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:26] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:28] Spam attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:29] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate and misses!
[23:01:29] Zark attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:30] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 11 damage!
[23:01:30] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:31] Spam attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:31] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:32] @@Rak says, "lol"
[23:01:34] Zark attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:34] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 13 damage!
[23:01:34] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:35] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:36] @@Sukiyo says, "on va gagner bcp bcp bcp xp sa ki ai bon :)"
[23:01:37] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:39] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 1 damage!
[23:01:39] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:40] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:40] Zie attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with her weapon!
[23:01:41] Thaon just entered the game!
[23:01:42] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:43] Zie attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with her weapon!
[23:01:43] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 6 damage!
[23:01:43] You critical hit Dragon du RvR Rate for an additional 3 damage!
[23:01:43] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:46] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:46] Zie attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with her weapon!
[23:01:47] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 6 damage!
[23:01:48] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:48] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:48] Zie attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with her weapon!
[23:01:51] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:51] Zie attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with her weapon!
[23:01:52] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 8 damage!
[23:01:52] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate and misses!
[23:01:53] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:54] Zie attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with her weapon!
[23:01:56] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 3 damage!
[23:01:56] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:56] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:01:57] Zie attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with her weapon!
[23:01:59] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate and misses!
[23:02:00] Zie attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with her weapon!
[23:02:01] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 1 damage!
[23:02:01] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:02:01] Tirius attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:02:02] @@You say, "on va gagner 100 d'xp ;-)"
[23:02:02] Dragon attacks Malkavien and hits!
[23:02:03] Zie attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with her weapon!
[23:02:05] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:02:05] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 10 damage!
[23:02:06] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:02:06] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:02:06] Zie attacks Dragon du RvR Rate and misses!
[23:02:06] Dragon attacks Malkavien and hits!
[23:02:06] Tirius attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:02:08] Zie attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with her weapon!
[23:02:09] You attack Dragon du RvR Rate and hit for 3 damage!
[23:02:09] Vous ne suivez plus automatiquement votre cible.
[23:02:09] Sukiyo attacks Dragon du RvR Rate and misses!
[23:02:10] Rak attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:02:11] Akim attacks Dragon du RvR Rate and misses!
[23:02:11] Zie attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with her weapon!
[23:02:11] Tirius attacks Dragon du RvR Rate with his weapon!
[23:02:14] You target [Dragon du RvR Rate]
[23:02:14] You examine Dragon du RvR Rate. It is aggressive towards you.
[23:02:15] You target [Liche putrefiee]
[23:02:15] You examine Liche putrefiee. It is neutral towards you.
[23:02:27] You enter combat mode and target [Liche putrefiee]
[23:02:27] Liche putrefiee attacks Spam and hits!
[23:02:27] You attack Liche putrefiee and hit for 5 damage!
[23:02:27] You critical hit Liche putrefiee for an additional 5 damage!
[23:02:27] Vous collez à Liche putrefiee.
[23:02:30] Liche putrefiee attacks Spam and hits!
[23:02:31] You attack Liche putrefiee and hit for 10 damage!
[23:02:33] Liche putrefiee attacks Spam and misses!
[23:02:36] You attack Liche putrefiee and hit for 1 damage!
[23:02:37] Haskina just left the game!
[23:02:37] Liche putrefiee attacks Spam and hits!
[23:02:39] Vous ne suivez plus automatiquement votre cible.
[23:02:40] You miss!
[23:02:41] Liche putrefiee attacks Spam and hits!
[23:02:41] Sebein just entered the game!
[23:02:41] Rak attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:02:44] Liche putrefiee attacks Spam and misses!
[23:02:44] You attack Liche putrefiee and hit for 9 damage!
[23:02:46] Rak attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:02:46] Sukiyo attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:02:47] Khaltes just entered the game!
[23:02:47] Titia just disconnected!
[23:02:47] Liche putrefiee attacks Spam and hits!
[23:02:49] You attack Liche putrefiee and hit for 2 damage!
[23:02:51] Sukiyo attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:02:51] Liche putrefiee hits your leg for 61 damage!
[23:02:52] Rak attacks Liche putrefiee and misses!
[23:02:53] You attack Liche putrefiee and hit for 2 damage!
[23:02:54] Hder just disconnected!
[23:02:54] Hder has left the group.
[23:02:57] Rak attacks Liche putrefiee and misses!
[23:02:57] You attack Liche putrefiee and hit for 13 damage!
[23:02:59] Sukiyo attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:03:02] You attack Liche putrefiee and hit for 4 damage!
[23:03:02] Rak casts a spell!
[23:03:03] Rak attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:03:03] Sukiyo attacks Liche putrefiee and misses!
[23:03:05] Zie casts a spell!
[23:03:05] You are healed by Zie for 128 hit points.
[23:03:05] Liche putrefiee hits your arm for 90 damage!
[23:03:06] You attack Liche putrefiee and hit for 8 damage!
[23:03:08] Sukiyo attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:03:09] Liche putrefiee hits your head for 64 damage!
[23:03:09] Lololochlys just entered the game!
[23:03:09] Rak attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:03:11] You attack Liche putrefiee and hit for 11 damage!
[23:03:12] Liche putrefiee hits your torso for 111 damage!
[23:03:12] @@[Party] Zark: "je pe pas lancer de sort sa marche pas :( "
[23:03:12] Sukiyo attacks Liche putrefiee and misses!
[23:03:13] Myrmeen attacks Liche putrefiee with her weapon!
[23:03:14] Rak attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:03:15] Liche putrefiee hits your leg for 107 damage!
[23:03:20] Zie casts a spell!
[23:03:23] Liche putrefiee hits your torso for 75 damage!
[23:03:25] You prepare to sprint!
[23:03:25] Dragon attacks Akim and hits!
[23:03:26] Liche putrefiee hits your leg for 84 damage!
[23:03:28] Akim attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:03:28] You are no longer ready to sprint.
[23:03:28] @@Akim says, "merci"
[23:03:37] Ektar just entered the game!
[23:03:38] Flutz just entered the game!
[23:03:43] Hder just entered the game!
[23:04:02] You target [Liche putrefiee]
[23:04:02] You examine Liche putrefiee. It is aggressive towards you.
[23:04:04] @@[Party] Zark: "deco reco "
[23:04:09] Lloyd just entered the game!
[23:04:13] Myrmeen just left the game!
[23:04:14] You target [Dragon]
[23:04:14] You examine Dragon. It is neutral towards you.
[23:04:19] You sit down. Type '/stand' or move to stand up.
[23:04:28] Zark just left the game!
[23:04:28] Zark has left the group.
[23:04:29] Tadus just left the game!
[23:04:41] Myrmeen just entered the game!
[23:04:42] @@Malkavien says, "suki ta geule, les mobs attaquent la"
[23:04:45] Urza just entered the game!
[23:04:45] You stand up.
[23:04:46] Haskina just entered the game!
[23:04:48] You target [Liche putrefiee]
[23:04:48] You examine Liche putrefiee. It is aggressive towards you.
[23:04:50] @@Sukiyo says, "malka"
[23:04:53] @@Sukiyo says, "pour ns faire plaisir"
[23:04:56] Rak attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:04:56] Akim attacks Dragon and misses!
[23:04:57] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:01] @@Sukiyo says, "mais le mob le plus fort du jeux"
[23:05:01] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:01] Rak attacks Dragon and misses!
[23:05:02] Akim attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:03] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:05] Stalker attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:06] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:07] Rak attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:07] Hder attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:08] Akim attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:08] Stalker attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:08] @@Sukiyo says, ":)"
[23:05:09] You target [Sukiyo]
[23:05:09] You examine Sukiyo. He is a member of the Armsman class.
[23:05:09] ##HOST Broadcasts: INFO: Suite a un TEST, veuillez taper /ignore Sukiyo
[23:05:15] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:15] Stalker attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:15] Hder attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:15] Khaltes just left the game!
[23:05:15] Rak attacks Dragon and misses!
[23:05:15] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:15] Stalker attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:15] Akim attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:16] Hder attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:16] Sukiyo attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:16] Stalker attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:16] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:16] @@Rak says, "mdr"
[23:05:16] Hder attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:17] @@Hder says, "lol"
[23:05:18] Stalker attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:18] Rak attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:18] Akim attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:19] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:19] Hder attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:20] Zark just entered the game!
[23:05:20] Stalker attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:21] @@Akim says, "lol"
[23:05:21] Sukiyo attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:22] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:23] Hder attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:24] Stalker attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:24] Rak attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:25] Akim attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:26] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:26] Sukiyo attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:26] Stalker attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:26] Hder attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:28] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee and misses!
[23:05:29] Stalker attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:29] Hder attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:29] Rak attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:30] Akim attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:30] Sukiyo attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:31] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee and misses!
[23:05:31] Stalker attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:32] You target [Dragon]
[23:05:32] You examine Dragon. It is neutral towards you.
[23:05:32] Hder attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:33] Stalker attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:33] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee and misses!
[23:05:34] Sukiyo attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:34] Rak attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:35] Akim attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:37] You sit down. Type '/stand' or move to stand up.
[23:05:38] Sukiyo attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:39] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:40] Rak attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:40] Akim attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:42] @@Sukiyo says, "mon frere a ressu un message lol"
[23:05:42] Sukiyo attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:42] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:44] Rak casts a spell!
[23:05:45] Rak attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:45] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:46] Akim attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:47] Sukiyo attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:48] @@Sukiyo says, "bizzar le message :/"
[23:05:49] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:51] Rak attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:51] Sukiyo attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:51] Akim attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:52] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:53] Myrmeen just disconnected!
[23:05:55] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:05:55] Sukiyo attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:56] Rak attacks Dragon and misses!
[23:05:57] Akim attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:05:58] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:06:00] Sukiyo attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:00] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:06:02] @@You say, "y'a pas un healer pour me redonner de la vie plz j'ai un bug je recup plus"
[23:06:02] Rak attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:03] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:06:04] Sukiyo attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:06] Rak casts a spell!
[23:06:07] Akim attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:07] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:06:08] Rak attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:08] Sukiyo attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:10] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:06:12] You target [Liche putrefiee]
[23:06:12] You examine Liche putrefiee. It is aggressive towards you.
[23:06:13] Akim attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:13] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:06:13] Rak attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:13] Liche putrefiee attacks Spam and is blocked!
[23:06:13] You target [Dragon]
[23:06:13] You examine Dragon. It is neutral towards you.
[23:06:16] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:06:16] Liche putrefiee attacks Spam and hits!
[23:06:17] Sukiyo attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:17] You stand up.
[23:06:18] Akim attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:18] Rak attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:19] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:06:20] Liche putrefiee attacks Spam and hits!
[23:06:21] Sukiyo attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:22] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:06:22] You sit down. Type '/stand' or move to stand up.
[23:06:22] You will quit after sitting for 20 seconds. Type '/stand' or move if you don't want to quit.
[23:06:23] Liche putrefiee attacks Spam and hits!
[23:06:24] Akim attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:24] Rak attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:25] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:06:26] Sukiyo attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:26] Fireball just disconnected!
[23:06:27] @@Sukiyo says, "malka tj la??"
[23:06:27] Liche putrefiee attacks Spam and hits!
[23:06:27] You will quit in 15 seconds.
[23:06:27] @@Zie says, "mais sort ne fonctionne +"
[23:06:28] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:06:29] Akim attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:30] Rak attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:30] Sukiyo attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:30] Liche putrefiee attacks Spam and is blocked!
[23:06:32] You will quit in 10 seconds.
[23:06:34] Liche putrefiee attacks Spam and misses!
[23:06:34] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:06:35] Sukiyo attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:35] Akim attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:35] Rak casts a spell!
[23:06:36] Rak attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:37] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:06:37] You will quit in 5 seconds.
[23:06:37] Liche putrefiee attacks Spam and hits!
[23:06:39] Sukiyo attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:40] Spam attacks Liche putrefiee with his weapon!
[23:06:41] Akim attacks Dragon and misses!
[23:06:41] Liche putrefiee attacks Spam and hits!
[23:06:41] Rak attacks Dragon with his weapon!
[23:06:42] You leave your group.
[23:06:42] Your character has been saved.

Posted: 11 Feb 2006, 14:52
by sinka
Dumetella : l'archélogue en folie ^^

Quand on se retourne vers cette période du serveur on se rend compte des avancées effectuées sur tous les points...

Posted: 11 Feb 2006, 15:10
by Arkay
On s'etait bien amusé :p

Posted: 12 Feb 2006, 11:09
by Lucina
Sujet déplacé.


Posted: 12 Feb 2006, 11:53
by Ahyli
Suki qui parlait toujours autant :P

Posted: 13 Feb 2006, 08:07
by Darkpepper
[22:26:18] @@[Party] Myrmeen: "normal on est 20 au meme endroit ca lag "

Posted: 13 Feb 2006, 19:46
by flidzs
Cet la bonne époque du serveur meme si sa lagé :wink:

Posted: 13 Feb 2006, 21:16
by thraten
flidzs wrote:Cet la bonne époque du serveur meme si sa lagé :wink:
Tu n'y étais meme pas :lol: . Et moi non plus d'ailleurs ; )

Posted: 13 Feb 2006, 22:12
by Nendas
flidzs wrote:Cet la bonne époque du serveur meme si sa lagé :wink:
thraten wrote:Tu n'y étais meme pas :lol:
C'est vrai en plus. :lol:

Posted: 14 Feb 2006, 09:53
by flidzs
surment que je n'était pas encore arriver ou je venai d'arriver mais avec tout ce que j'ai entendu sur le serveur avant cet la bonne époque tu serveur .

Et comme je conais quelque personne IRl du serveur qui mon raocnter

Posted: 14 Feb 2006, 10:02
Flidzs : Tu venais pas d'arriver, c'etait au moins 4/5 mois avant ton arrivée :x

Posted: 14 Feb 2006, 12:01
by Nendas
surment que je n'était pas encore arriver ou je venai d'arriver mais avec tout ce que j'ai entendu sur le serveur avant cet la bonne époque tu serveur .

Et comme je conais quelque personne IRl du serveur qui mon raocnter
Arrete de t'enfoncer. :lol:

Posted: 14 Feb 2006, 15:38
by Arkay
Et non , C'etait loin d'etre la bonne epoque du serveur :wink:
On etait 15-20 au heures de pointe , trois fois moins en général
Avait quasiment rien d'implenté , juste le minimum pour Xp et faire un peu de pvp ^^
Enfin , comme je connaissais pas du tout le jeu , ca m'a permis de découvrir petit à petit :P

Posted: 14 Feb 2006, 18:03
by SukiyO
Moi j'y étais et je peu vous garantir que c'étais de la patate !!! trop délirant on se tapé des délires mé inimaginable :-) si il y aurai a le refaire je le referai sa c kler ;) au début on devais être 2 clampin a joué sur le serv ( moi et mon frere la plus par du temps ;-) ) Puis il y avais le CC region qui étais pas mal c'étais un peu le chat , on parlé de tout et de rien ( souvent de rien ) mé bon voila on metté 15min pour tué un mob lol 8)

Posted: 14 Feb 2006, 18:14
by flidzs
nendas je m'enfonce pas j'explique c'est tout