CVS 13-12

Les dernières nouvelles du serveur.
Maître Absolu
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CVS 13-12

Unread post by Sp4M »

Code: Select all

One note to shard owners/devs out there. Help DOL to improve so we dont have to fix 
bugs and do lots of other things a second time. When you or any other fixes a bug or has
some good improvement then post it please in DOL forum. Especially if you fix bugs
then explain what the bug is and show your solution. You can also always send 
improvements to SmallHorse. Then we can discuss it. Thanks.
If this doesnt get better over time you have to expect further delays in my commits.

- New: Introduced new Log interface to get rid of DOLConsole
       - You should use the following methods: 
         Log.Debug(), Log.Info(), Log.Warning(), Log.Error(), Log.StackTrace(), Log.Dump() 
         instead DOLConsole methods
       - Most of DOLConsole methods are currently redirected into the new Log system
       - GameServerConsole now uses two logger modules: FileLogger and StdOutputLogger
       - You see log level of message in log and output
       - Additional logger can be easily attached by Log.RegisterLogger
       - Logoutput uses a ringbuffer, performance is improved
- New: Timing measuring code in some places
- New: Added Suspend and Resume functionality to timers
- Changed: Improved memory usage in large scale
- Changed: Mobs get more AF the higher their level is
- Changed: Deactivated region manager threads
- Changed: NPC Update check intervals raised to 300ms from 100ms (saves cpu)
- Changed: Ping timeouts raised to 6 minutes
- Changed: Improved world save to not disturb running server
- Changed: NPC equipment templates will be cached. Speeds up loading process
- Changed: Aggrocheck Mob=>Mob is only executed for mobs with capital 
           letter in front (saves us lots of cpu)
- Changed: Default aggro range increased to 300
- Changed: Removed CurrentSpeed get on GameNPC that used cpu by just calling base get
- Changed: Increased NPC Count per square in Zone to 800, also added some warnings
- Changed: Removed CleanupThread from Region
- Changed: Armor item degradation was nearly disabled. Set items to MaxCondition about 1000
- Bugfix: Division by zero in follow code for zero speeds
- Bugfix: Prevented PacketProcessor from beeing null
- Bugfix: Invisible mob attacks with changing models/names that are too far away to attack
- Bugfix: Several causes for linkdeads in WorldMgr code
- Bugfix: Players cannot get multiple xp from a gravestone
- Bugfix: Some CC messages
- Bugfix: small bugfix in quiver system
- Add: Quest: Important delivery (Hib), City of Tir na Nog, Nuisances, Traitor in MagMell
       They are very similar to Master Frderick Quests. 
       Don't forget to merge added Pathpoints file!
- Bugfix: Minor bugfixes in Frederick Quests.
- Add: jump to <name> Now also works for NPCs Names
- Changed: Rewrote part of the quests to uniform the condition checks
- Add: Added checks to prevent doing multiple Master Frederick Quest at the same time,
       since they are indendet to be played one after another.
- BugFix: IreFairyIre no longer needs Level 3 Quest as prerequiste
- Bugfix: Frontier Quest: Due to problems with Master Visur and the Frontiers expansion
          Talking to Master Visur is now optional you can also go directly
          to Srcyer Alice
- Bugfix: Engage can only be used while not in combat
- New: Some work regarding AI, currently inactive (/ai folder)
- New: Added "GetPlayersInRadius", "GetNPCsInRadius", "GetItemsInRadius" call to
       GameObject. So instead of calling 
       WorldMgr.GetPlayersCloseToObject(xyz, WorldMgr.VISIBILITY_DISTANCE)
       you can now call 
       Makes the calls more intuitive and shorter.
- New: If you add "true" as additional parameter to the WorldMgr.GetXXXCloseToObject
       methods (or GameObject.GetXXXInRadius), instead of GameObjects the enumerator
       will return PlayerDistEntry, NPCDistEntry or ItemDistEntry objects ... eg.
       foreach(PlayerDistEntry entry in npc.GetPlayersInRadius(WorldMgr.VISIBILITY_DISTANCE, true))
         GamePlayer player = entry.Player; //entry.NPC; entry.Item for the others
         int distance = entry.Distance;
       The reason for this is, that the original enumerator already calculated
       the distance (partly) and it is only a small overhead to fully calculate
       the distance. This should save some CPU when you need the distance of all the objects around another one (Saves you from calling WorldMgr.GetDistance...)
- New: Added the NF Keep code (inactive, need some cleaning) /keeps folder
- Changed: SendTCP works asynchronously now (BeginSend, EndSend), should be the most efficient solution.
- Changed: GameObject.Random/Chance ... is static now (should have been right from the start), btw. what is the difference to Util.Random/Chance?
Image ©Djip

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Maître Absolu
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Bravo =)

Unread post by Yaugzebul »

Wow ! Le paquet de bugs corrigés 8)

GG !! ;)


* Yaugzebul Aelfwynn, Mentaliste, Level 50 *
* Neriak Celtis, Barde, Level 29 *
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Maître Absolu
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Unread post by JeannotLapin »


Je suis impressioné par la rapidité de développement

GG a tous les programeurs.

Juste ne petite question le bug du double heal des paladins sera-t-il regle avec cette mise a jour.

Sylve, Mentatsun, Sati Enfants de l'Arbre
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Unread post by Bardiug »

Houlala, trop cool !!
Bugfix sur les LinkDead!
Bugfix sur les mob inaccessibles!!

ça avance bien
-> Veldriss, Phantom Summoner lvl 50+
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Unread post by Dre »

Ils ont eu quoi les developpeurs ?? quelqu'un a fait une donations pour avoir autant d'un coup ???

Enfin je dit un gros GG à tous les developpeurs et aussi aux admins :)
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Unread post by Darkpepper »

bien bien bien /clap Spam :wink:
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Unread post by Syrius »

huhu ^^

Sont vraiment spidé la les admins .. GG

J'attand la prochaine :p

Merci pour tout ces bug fix :wink:
Syrius Elorn-Orbéal [10]
Guur <L'Ordre du Dragon> [22]
Trop de haine et de guerres ont mit les terres a feu et a sang...l'époque du renouveau est arrivée.
L'ordre du Dragon s'acharnera sur vous enfant de l'enfer, puisse Gormyr vous pardonner!
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Re: CVS 13-12

Unread post by pierre »

Sp4M wrote:

Code: Select all

- Changed: Mobs get more AF the higher their level is

Rho!!!! plus de facteur d'armure pour les mobs!!! mdr
[Chevaliers Déchus] Lucilia Delune
[Chevaliers Déchus] Nolano
O Raï Zon
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Unread post by O Raï Zon »

Ya que du bon la dedans ^^
(l'agro a augenté de distance, sa demandera un petit tps d'adaptation :D )
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Unread post by Ghordjul »

Une fois de plus, je suis sur mon cul !!! :shock: :shock:

En plus des changements déjà mis en évidence par d'autres forummeurs, je constate aussi énormément d'optimisation au niveau de l'utilisation mémoire et CPU, franchement ça déchire :!: :!: :D

Un énorme bravo à tous les bosseurs :!: :D
Darkpepper wrote:Il faut juste se rendre compte que même si ca va a l'encontre de certaines actions "plausibles" vous devez avant tout respecter chacunes des règles du serveur
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Unread post by thedude »

quoi encore un MAJ :shock: :shock:

mais c'est genial !!!

bravo a tout les bosseur !
mais que seriont nous sans amtenael et le rock ??:D
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Maître Absolu
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Unread post by Yaugzebul »

Je reporte juste un new bug, amplification du freez/ld, il devient de plus en plus fréquent au lieu d'etre fix on dirait.

T'as un leger freez et alors soit ca passe au bout de 5 min soit c'est la deco, et ca se reproduit systematiquement en l'espace de 30 min j'ai ld 6 fois pour ma part, pour certains apparement ça le fait meme dès qu'il se logg LoL. Bon bas voilà, je le cite ici histoire qu'on avance ;)

Je suis en 1.70 pour info si jamais ça venait de là ou peu etre autrechose, on sait jamais.

Encore bravo pour le super boulot fourni !! =)


* Yaugzebul Aeflwynn, Mentaliste, Level 50 *
* Neriak Celtis, Barde, Level 31 *
Maître Absolu
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Unread post by Sarek »

Super boulot pour la stabilité du serveur ;)

Gratz ^^
Maître Absolu
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Unread post by Dama »


:o Beau boulot, on vous remercie.
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